Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Full Sentences!

Dear Quinn,
In the past few weeks you have graduated from saying single words to using full-blown sentences. You are our little parrot and we hear echoes of ourselves in every thing you say. It makes us very introspective about our parenting. Sometimes I cringe when I hear you disciplining your baby doll, ("sit down, baby!" "no whining!) or being overprotective with your friends at the park. ("be careful" "hold on tight" "are you ok?")

You even praise us for doing things like going to the bathroom and going down the steps, "Good job, Mommy!"  You used to always say, "bye-bye" when people left, but you gave your Daddy a whole string of advice and well-wishes as he left to go golfing on Sunday. "Bye-bye! See ya! Be careful! Have fun! I love you!"

Your new vocabulary has also significantly increased your negotiating skills. After every meal, you haggle with us over dessert.  Lately the conversation has been going as follows:

You with sheepish grin: "Ice cream?"
Us: "No Bud, ice cream is a special treat for sometimes."
You: "Howabout....peach?"
Us: "You had peaches at lunchtime."
You: Howabout...plum?"
Us: "Ok, you can have a plum. But how do you ask nicely?"
You: Please! Please! Plum!!!!!

Your new skills are going to help you immensely in your new class at school. You are being moved up a little early to the Beginners room that contains children aged 2-3 years. The school year began this week and you are doing great so far.

We are sad to see the summer come to an end, but it was a great one. Our weekends were full of parties, special trips and visits with your grandparents. We have had a lot of Sunday dinners at Grammy and Pop-Pop's house as well as a few sleepovers. You love watching the bunnies in the yard, helping Pop-Pop with the garden, seeing the trains, swinging on the front porch with Grammy and going to the park around the corner - plus we can't forget all the special treats you get - including ice cream! Mom-Mom and Pop-Daddy have made a lot of trips to the city to watch you while Daddy and I look for houses. They take you on long walks to Spruce Street Harbor Park to see the boats, out to lunches and dinners, the park, the fountain, and all kinds of other fun things in our neighborhood. Last weekend you loved watching the dancers at the Indian festival at Penn's Landing, but your favorite activity of all is going to Wawa to get a smoothie.

You are so lucky to have all four of your grandparents to love you and teach you about life - and your Daddy and I are lucky that they spoil you so much! Since your birth they have kept you well-stocked with diapers, toys, clothes, shoes, books - the list goes on. I want them to know how grateful we are and how much we appreciate all their help. I mention this now because I have not yet decided whether or not to continue this blog past your 2nd birthday. It is a new semester for me as well, and along with keeping up with you, I'm not sure how often I'll be able to provide updates. No matter what your Daddy and I decide, we will still keep up with Twitter, YouTube and sharing adorable photos of you with family members. 

Here are some recent ones (in random order):

I always see friends at Three Bears Park!     


It's a "poo poo potty" for Little People!
I love my Uncle Mike
Dr. Quinn!
Johnny Rockets is fun!

I had my first milkshake with Daddy


I made a mess!
Wipe my face, Daddy!
Now I'll wipe your face!
I love you, Daddy
My new hairdo!

Wednesday, August 6, 2014


Dear Quinn,
This weekend we took you on an overnight trip to Bird-in-Hand, PA out in Lancaster County. It was great to get you out of the city and into the fresh air, where you could spend time with your cousins and see some live farm animals. We all had a great time, but you had the most fun of all.

I'm shy, Cousin Kevin!
Long hallways are great for running!

Playing with Liam and PJ
Feeding the ducks with Nathan and Max

'Some big fishies down there!
Feeding the fish

Raven, Miranda, Liam and Claire on the swings
I will stroll Baby Liam to breakfast!
Back to the ducks again!
Sorry ducks, this stale bread is pretty tasty
Big fish!
Hello, Duck! Can I pick you up?

Joking around with Nathan and Max

Screaming at a goat
One more quick swim before we leave