Monday, November 26, 2012

Q's First (Second and Third) Thanksgiving

Dear Quinn,

When you woke us up on Thanksgiving morning your daddy leaned over and asked, "What are you thankful for?"  Immediately my eyes swelled with tears.  We have so much to be grateful for this year.  You're here, you're healthy - and you have a wonderful family that loves you.  Having you has made us realize just how many awesome people we have in our lives.  We have gotten so much love and so many well wishes from so many people.  We are truly, truly blessed. 

All the cards you received!
 In fact, we were so full of gratitude this year that we celebrated Thanksgiving three times!  Once when your Aunt Jo and Uncle Chris were home from Florida, again on Thanksgiving day and again the following Sunday.

I won't record the story of what happened at the table on Early Thanksgiving.  I'm sure your Aunt and Uncles will tease you about it in years to come.  Let's just say that we all had a good laugh - and Mommy learned an important lesson about not only packing an extra outfit for you, but one for her as well.  

On actual Thanksgiving we had a peaceful and delicious turkey dinner at your Grammy and Pop-pop's house.  Unfortunately, I was too busy eating and enjoying myself to take photos - but I did take one of you in the adorable outfit you wore:

Here you are at Mom-mom and Pop Daddy's house a few days later:

Uncle Mike
Meeting cousin Chris

Thank you for being the best baby ever and bringing so much happiness to our lives - and thank you to everyone who has shared in our joy and supported us throughout this year.  Happy Thanksgiving, Quinn!  We love you so much!

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