Tuesday, August 7, 2012

The Home Stretch

Dear Baby Mischief,
It's hard to believe that we made it to the third trimester, but here we are at week 28!

You are moving around all the time and getting stronger every day.  You are most active between 10 and 11 o'clock in the morning and 10 and 11 o'clock at night.  Lately you seem think that 5 a.m. is party time, but you are quiet, so I don't mind.  It's my special time I spend in bed just feeling you roll around while your daddy sleeps. 

Already I can see you moving from the outside.  Your latest trick is kicking at anything I have on my belly, from a hand to a bowl of cereal.  You love to move my book around while I am trying to read.  You also respond to your daddy's voice when he talks to you. 

Since this is our first post, here is a little rundown of your life so far:

Late-January, 2012 - Unbeknownst to us, you are conceived.  Since we don't know about you yet, your father and I spend our time fixing up our new apartment and spending our money partying in the city and going out to fancy dinners.  Your mommy has just started a new job and a new round of her writers' group.  I spend a lot of time writing and sculpting things in my "studio," soon to be known as "the nursery."

February 20 - It's President's Day - and the day we find out about you.  Your father has the day off from work and is spending it doing work around the apartment.  I surprise him by coming home early and telling him the news.  We are shocked! 

April - We get our first glimpse of you on ultrasound at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania.  They tell us that you are due to arrive on October 30, 2012 - Mischief Night!  We give you your nickname, but you are just a tiny little blip on the radar screen - we still can't believe that you are real. 

Mid-April - After getting off to a rough start, we tell your grandparents and aunts and uncles about you.  They are overjoyed.  Seeing how much happiness you are already bringing to our families changes everything.  We are overwhelmed with how much love you already have and so thankful that they are excited about you.

Late April - You are making yourself known to the outside world by giving me a little belly and forcing me to buy my first maternity clothes.  In the meantime, you will not let me tolerate any food except hamburgers.  Since all you want is meat, we call you our little caveman baby.  At the end of the month, your daddy and I go out to celebrate the end of the first trimester and he has flowers waiting on the table at the restaurant.

Your dad is a pretty nice guy - he does everything that I am too tired to do, like cook and clean - and always makes sure that the freezer is full of treats. 

(Baby needs calcium!)

May - You go to your first Phillies game with "Aunt" Amy and Baby Benjamin. 

You take your first of many trips to Wildwood, NJ for your "Aunt" Tato's wedding.

I eat the entire boardwalk - ice cream, pizza, cheese fries, cotton candy, fudge... I am hungry all the time!
(Your handsome dad in a 3-piece suit with a bucket of boardwalk cheese fries)
On mother's day, we go back to Wildwood to celebrate with your Grammy.  Your grandparents, aunt and uncles all order an extra baked potato for me because you are starting to show your Irish side, demanding potatoes at every meal. 

(My first Mother's Day)
Around the end of the month, I feel you move for the very first time.  Happy mother's day to me!  

June - We have our 20 week ultrasound and learn that you are a baby girl!

Halfway through the month, on June 14th, your daddy feels you move for the first time - just in time for father's day.  You gave your dad a bottle of Blanton's, because it was the celebratory drink he had when he found out you were a girl.  I gave him a Sixers onesie for you, so that you'll have something to wear when you watch games together.

Now that it's time to start getting ready for you to arrive, your Mom-mom takes me to Babies-R-Us to pick out stuff for you.  We start the day by meeting my cousin Raven, who is going to be your buddy at all the family parties.

July - You make your mommy too tired to see the fireworks this year, so your daddy holds his ipad up to the window and plays a fireworks video for us.  He loves you so much already. 

On July 17th, your buddy Benjamin is born!  You are going to be friends with him for your whole life and I'm so happy that you have someone like a cousin to grow up with.  The first time I hold him he is sleeping like an angel, but you kick him the whole time, trying to wake him up.

(Your friend!)
At the end of the month, you take your first trip to the Outer Banks.  You seem to enjoy the swimming pool and the ocean.  It was so beautiful- and every time your dad and I saw a rainbow, or a sunset, we wished you were there to see it with us.  I hope to bring you back there many, many times. 

(Your first OBX shirt!)
You have had an exciting life so far, and this is just the beginning.  There is much more to come!  Your daddy and I can't wait to meet you, baby girl! 


  1. awww I love it! i cannot wait for baby mischief to arrive and to read all about her adventures! you guys are going to be such great parents!

  2. I bet you that baby mischief is advanced enough to read this blog in utero. This post is so cute and again, my happiness for the both of you is beyond what my silly little words can say. I cannot wait til the day this beautiful baby is born. A.T- I am so proud of how far you have come and although you would never use this word to describe yourself- graceful is what comes to mind.

    BTW- Can the baby call me Aunt Bag Lady?

  3. omg i just discovered this and am obsessed. you're amazing!!!!
