Sunday, October 14, 2012

Mischief's Crib

Dear Mischief,

Your room is finally ready! Your daddy and I just love it and we hope you do too.  I've been spending a lot of time just hanging out in there reflecting on what is to come. 

Here is the view upon walking in the door:

And from your crib:

And from the far side of the room:

Your book nook and toy corner

I'm so excited about your little library!
I wanted you to have some homemade and semi-homemade elements in your room:

Vinyl decals on canvas, homemade mobile, painted lanterns and
pinterest-inspired paint chip garland

Surprisingly the only polymer clay piece in your nursery...

Your great-aunt Karen made this beautiful Noah's ark papercut for you


If you're anything like your momma, you're going to live in hoodies.  They are all washed and ready for you. 

Your little shoes!

Every girl needs a basket o' giraffes!

Love this lamp!
A little piece of Philadelphia

Thank you to everyone who helped us get the room ready!

*Grammy and Pop-pop for the beautiful crib, dresser, changing table and glider.

*Mom-mom and Pop Daddy for the adorable Ellie and Stretch bedding.

*Daddy and Uncle TJ for hauling the furniture up four flights of steps and putting it together.

*Great Aunts Theresa, Sheila and Mary for the Ellie and Stretch curtains, pillow and diaper stacker.

*Great Aunt Chrissy for the toy box.

*Great Aunt Karen for the artwork.

*Great Aunt Jeannie for the lamp. 

*Nana for the mattress.

*Everyone who provided the books, toys, clothes and supplies to fully stock the nursery.

Thank you!!

We are only missing one thing - You!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Time Hurries On

Dear Mischief,

The long-awaited autumn is officially upon us.  It's 52 degrees in Philadelphia and there is chili simmering on the stove.  I'm snuggled up in the only sweatshirt that still fits me with a mug of (decaf) tea and a pile of ginger snaps.  As I look out the window at the still-green leaves, I wonder if they'll be brown by the time you make your appearance.

You are up to your old tricks again, Mischief!  Because you had your first ultrasound at a different hospital, the doctors aren't sure if we should expect you on the 18th or the 30th.

Either way, I think it's finally safe to say that we are officially ready for you.

Your daddy and I have been spending our nights taking classes, putting your stuff together, cleaning the apartment, decorating your room and doing teeny, tiny, adorable loads of laundry.  

Daddy putting your crib together
On Friday, my co-workers threw a party for me and another woman in the office who is also expecting her first baby.  We had cake and snacks, and believe it or not- more gifts!  They generously provided the last couple of items on your baby registry.  It was so nice!

Work Shower!

My pregnant buddy!
It's been wonderful to share this experience with someone I see every day.  And because we live in the same neighborhood, we take the subway and then walk (or waddle) home together.  She is also expecting a baby girl - a little friend for you!

Everyone at my job has been incredibly supportive during this pregnancy.  My boss has told me that if we don't get daycare right away, I can work from home or even bring you with me to the office for a couple of days.  

Speaking of work, here you are with the President of the University of Pennsylvania. 

(I'm including this in your application to the Class of 2034!)

She is a scholar with 16 books to her name and a visionary leader who has done great things, not only for the University and the city, but for people all over the globe.  She is also a mother with a daughter of her own. 

There are a lot of powerful women in this world, and no limit to what you choose to do with your life.  Always remember that, Mischief! 

Luckily, you'll have plenty of amazing examples around to remind you - even in your own family!  Just yesterday, your Mom-mom took me on one last shopping trip to the baby store.  I didn't need that much stuff (not that it prevented us from coming home with loads of it), but mainly just wanted to spend some time with her.  I hope you'll feel the same way about me someday. 

As for your Daddy and I, we are ready to spend some time with you.  As the days go by, we get more and more excited to meet you.  Come join us, little one!

(If there is anyone reading this who has any idea when this baby will arrive, please enter your guess in the Baby Pool link in the right hand column)

"Time hurries on, and the leaves that are green turn to brown" - Simon and Garfunkel