Thursday, September 26, 2013

Exciting News!

Dear Quinn,
Guess what?  Your Daddy and I are getting married!!!  It all happened this past weekend at Grammy and Pop-Pop's shore house, where I met your Daddy six years ago.

I almost ruined your Daddy's plans because I didn't want to be away from you, but I knew that your Mom-Mom and Pop-Daddy were just thrilled to have you for the weekend. They took you to see Nana and to visit your Aunt 'Lena in West Chester.  You even helped Mom-Mom plan a Sunday dinner celebration complete with cake and champagne, although you slept through most of the actual event.

Words can't describe how happy I am to be officially engaged to your Daddy.  As soon he asked the question, my thoughts automatically turned to you and what this will mean for the three of us. It took me awhile before I could stop crying long enough to say "yes!" 

This is all a formality, since we have been a family for a long time.  YOU made us a family on the very first day we knew about you.  Back then I thought that having you would cause our love to be challenged and tested, but I was very wrong.  You have only made it multiply.

Even though things didn't happen in the order that we planned, you have given us the benefit of a preview of married life.  I don't have to wonder about what kind of father your Daddy will be, because I already know that he is the best father in the world.  We have already been through an incredible journey as partners, so I'm confident that together we can handle any other surprises that life has in store for us. 

We couldn't wait to get home and see you, Quinn.  You are happily oblivious to all the hubbub as you continue your efforts to walk and talk.  At the moment, you don't seem to care very much about my ring - but someday when I am long gone, it will be yours.

Your Daddy told me that the three diamonds traditionally symbolize the past, present and future - but that he has always imagined them representing the three of us.  Isn't that sweet, Quinn?  You, of course, are the biggest and brightest one in the middle. 

We have been engaged for almost a week and still I am overwhelmed with emotion and so many happy tears.  We are going to celebrate so much in the coming months and years - and you are already practicing your little dance moves.

We love you so much baby girl!


Mommy and Daddy, the future Mr. and Mrs. Smith

Monday, September 16, 2013

Water Babies!

Dear Quinn,
Yesterday, we took you to your first Water Babies swimming class.  I was anxious the whole way there... Would you hate it?  Would you get scared and cry?  Is this cruel?  Would your bathing suit still fit? 

Quinn - I will never doubt you again.  You loved it!  You splashed enthusiastically, clapped along with the songs, kicked your feet, and even went underwater.  You're a natural, Quinn! You're a little fishy just like your Daddy.  We had so much fun, and are proud of how brave you were.

These were taken at Pottruck Health and Fitness Center at the University of Pennsylvania. 

Ready for swimmin'!

It's your friend Anna from school!

Splash you in the face, Daddy!

Practicing my kicks!


Bonus video: Quinn gets dunked


Way to go, Quinn!  We love you so much!

Friday, September 6, 2013

Labor Day Weekend!

Dear Quinn,
The first summer of your little life has finally come to an end - but no matter, we made the most of it and some great memories with you.

We are looking forward to the autumn season.  There is a lot of good stuff coming up - football, cool weather, changing leaves, Halloween - and most importantly, your birthday!

Thanks to the generosity of your grandparents, you have all kinds of adorable sweaters and fall outfits to wear once the weather turns. You do not enjoy the sensation of having socks on your feet, but you will have to get used to it. My hope is that you will also re-discover the joy of snuggling - you are much too busy to snuggle these days. 

For your first Labor Day Weekend you spent a night at Grammy and Pop-Pop's house and then we all joined you for one last summer BBQ.  The next day Aunt Lauren came over to see you. I'm so happy that you have a wonderful family that loves you, Quinn!

Helping Pop-Pop read the Sunday morning funnies     (photo credit: Grammy)

It's a hat!
Uncle Mike and Julie!
Uncle TJ!

Gimme that beer, Daddy!

Mmmm...corn on the cob

Thanks for sharing your ice cream cone, Daddy

A headbutt/hug for Aunt Lauren

Sampling some wine...she's already corrupting you