Friday, September 6, 2013

Labor Day Weekend!

Dear Quinn,
The first summer of your little life has finally come to an end - but no matter, we made the most of it and some great memories with you.

We are looking forward to the autumn season.  There is a lot of good stuff coming up - football, cool weather, changing leaves, Halloween - and most importantly, your birthday!

Thanks to the generosity of your grandparents, you have all kinds of adorable sweaters and fall outfits to wear once the weather turns. You do not enjoy the sensation of having socks on your feet, but you will have to get used to it. My hope is that you will also re-discover the joy of snuggling - you are much too busy to snuggle these days. 

For your first Labor Day Weekend you spent a night at Grammy and Pop-Pop's house and then we all joined you for one last summer BBQ.  The next day Aunt Lauren came over to see you. I'm so happy that you have a wonderful family that loves you, Quinn!

Helping Pop-Pop read the Sunday morning funnies     (photo credit: Grammy)

It's a hat!
Uncle Mike and Julie!
Uncle TJ!

Gimme that beer, Daddy!

Mmmm...corn on the cob

Thanks for sharing your ice cream cone, Daddy

A headbutt/hug for Aunt Lauren

Sampling some wine...she's already corrupting you

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