Thursday, August 29, 2013

Standing Up!

Dear Quinn,
You're getting so big! Your latest trick is standing up without support.  Your record is about 30 seconds before you lose your balance and fall on your butt.  I'm so proud of you!

You are learning so quickly, and are beginning to make connections between objects and words.  It's fascinating to watch your little wheels turning!  Whenever you discover the name of something you love to have it repeated over and over again.  You look back and forth from us to the object and then give this very sly knowing smile as if we are in on some kind of secret together.  I get the feeling that you understand far more than you let on.

You continue to get great reports from school.  You are no longer getting food from home - you eat school lunch every day.  Here's a note from your teacher: "Quinn eats like she has been getting table food her entire life - she's an eating champ!"  We are not surprised at all. 

You are down to taking only one nap at a designated time at daycare.  In an effort to get all the kids to sleep, they put you all in your cribs and turn off the lights.  You earned the nickname Mariah Carey  because you think this is your cue to begin your high-pitched singing. You only do it at nap time and the teachers think it's hilarious. 

You are getting so close to talking.  The other day as I picked you up from school, one of the teachers from the infant room walked in.  You became very animated and kept looking back and forth from me to her while making all kinds of excited sounds.  I was pretty sure you were trying to say, "Look mom, it's Miss Anna!  I want to go over and say hello!"  I brought you over to her and you immediately gave her a huge smile and one of your famous headbutt "hugs."  It was so sweet. 

You are such a pleasant little person.  You bring joy to everyone you meet - even strangers can't help but smile at you everywhere we go.  Every day we talk about how awesome you are and how lucky we are to be your parents.  We're excited to spend the long weekend with you!

I understand what's going on -I'm about to get food!
I love running around in my towel after bath time!
Listen to this story, Mommy!
Check out my Daddy's face in this picture - somebody's in love!
I'm allowed to watch the Phillies if I sit on Daddy's lap I get to man the remote!
Checkin' out the features on my fancy new car seat - thanks Mom Mom and Pop Daddy!
And thanks for clothes too, and taking me to lunch in the city!
Banging on my makeshift kitchen drums!

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