Monday, August 19, 2013

The Zoo, Take Two

Dear Quinn,
For our last day of summer vacation, we took you to the Philadelphia Zoo.  We picked up Uncle TJ on the way and spent the whole day there looking at the animals. What a difference from six months ago!  Uncle TJ carried you the whole time and lifted you up so that you could see everything.  You loved it!

Here are some pictures from our very fun day. 

Yay!  The Zoo!

Ice cream break  (Nice purse, Uncle TJ!)
Our family...and a hippo
Daddy's favorite - the polar bear

You have so many giraffes - I couldn't wait to see your reaction to the real thing...
Urgh...giraffes again!

Quinn and her Godfather

The rhino was your favorite!

Long day!  I think I'll take a snooze in the reptile house...

 Thanks for a great day at the zoo, Uncle TJ!

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