Thursday, February 27, 2014

Video Roundup - Florida Edition

Bonus footage from our trip! Thanks again Joelle and Chris!

Quinn and Tulley #1

Quinn and Aunt Jo:

Quinn and Tulley #2

Wake up, Daddy!

Quinn Goes to Florida - Part Two!

Click here if you missed Part One!

On Friday, you hung around and watched Olympic hockey with Daddy and Uncle Chris so that Aunt Jo and I could have a spa day. We had massages and manicures to get ready for a big night out. Thanks Aunt Jo!

That night Aunt Jo and Uncle Chris took your Daddy and I to a James Bond event at a local college - we had so much fun getting all dressed up. Here we are looking fancy:

Mommy and Daddy
I want to be in the picture too!
Uncle Chris and Aunt Jo lookin' snazzy
 Here's what you were doing while Daddy was trying to take pictures:
Photographer's assistant for hire

You stayed home with Cousin Chrissy while we went to the event. You guys read books, played games and had dinner together. She said that you were very good. You didn't give her any trouble going to bed and you even ate all your green beans. Nice job, Quinn!  And thank you so much to Chrissy for babysitting!

You're the best, Chrissy!
 You were asleep when we came home, so we ended the night in the hot tub. Sorry Quinn!

Adults only!

Saturday was a beautiful day, so Aunt Jo and Uncle Chris took us to Payne's Prairie Preserve State Park to check out the local wildlife. We saw alligators and all kinds of cool birds.
Ahh! Where are my shades?

Much better
Pretty Florida!
Let's go find some gators!

There's one!
This is fun!
The gators can't get me up here!
Someone is watching our backs, right Aunt Jo?

Mommy's turn!


Spanish moss
What a long day of being strolled and carried! I'm exhausted.
I'm not allowed to shake this gate...
Aunt Jo reading me my favorite book - Barnyard Dance!
Hmm...which one is the cow?
Me and my buddy
Aunt Jo bouncin' me!

Now with video action!

Our last night...time for Daddy to read my bedtime story

When we woke up on Sunday, it was time to go home. We were so sad as we went to the airport and said our goodbyes. Aunt Jo and Uncle Chris dropped us off and we were standing in line to check our luggage, when suddenly...

Uh Oh - looks like rain!

Our flight is cancelled?
Woohoo! I'm going to run around the airport!
We called your Aunt and Uncle and asked if we could stay for an extra night, and they came back to pick us up. It was a rainy day, so we chilled out, watched a movie and read some books. You spent a lot of time playing in your room with Aunt Jo and even handed her a diaper to tell her that you needed to be changed. That is some serious bonding! I'm so glad we had the extra day.

The perfect spot to curl up with a good book

rain, rain, go away
Guess what, Tulley - I'm back!!!
Now I can climb on your doggie bed some more!
Aren't you thrilled?
Watchin' doggie videos on YouTube with Uncle Chris
Bonus night out for Mommy and Daddy!
Thanks for babysitting, guys!


The next day it really was time to go home. We stopped by Aunt Jo's office to say goodbye before heading back to the airport: 

Bye-Bye, Aunt Jo!
A five minute nap should prepare me for a day of traveling, right?
The Gainesville airport has toys and MAGNETS!
Quinn, I hope these pictures will help you have some memory of our first family vacation. There will be many more in our future. 

Chris and Joelle, we can't thank you enough for your hospitality, all your prep work, the food, supplies and everything else that went into having us as guests in your home. We had a wonderful time and I am so happy that we got to spend time together as a family with Quinn. Thanks again for everything! We love you!
I love you, Uncle Chris!
I love you, Aunt Jo!

I miss you already - when can I come back?

P.S. - see the rest of my videos on my YouTube channel

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Quinn Goes to Florida - Part One

Dear Quinn,
You are a great little traveler! We just got back from a wonderful vacation to visit your Aunt Joelle and Uncle Chris in Gainesville, Florida. You certainly made it one to remember.

Here are some photos from our trip!


On Wednesday afternoon, Daddy took us to Grammy and Pop-Pop's house, where there was a surprise waiting for you. A new set of magnets! You love magnets. Mom-Mom got you a set with pictures of everyone in Mommy's side of the family and they are your favorite toy. Now you have both sides! 
We're going to see Aunt Jo and Uncle Chris!
Daddy said we couldn't take the whole set, but we took Aunt Jo and Uncle Chris with us for the plane. Pop-Pop took us to the airport and we were on our way. The plan was to fly to Charlotte and then switch planes for Gainesville.  This way we had 2 one hour flights with an hour layover in the middle.

We had an empty seat between us for the trip to Charlotte, so we had lots of room to move around. You were in a great mood and thought that the air vent blowing on your head was very funny. You got all your wiggles out when we landed in Charlotte by running around the airport.

Overall, you did really well on both flights and were very friendly to the people around you. You played peekaboo with the folks behind us, read books, played with your farm animal magnets, ate snacks, drank lots of milk and juice, and looked at the picture of Aunt Jo and Uncle Chris over and over.  You knew that we were going to see them and their doggie. You said "bye-bye TJ!" and waved to our fellow travelers, all of whom smiled and waved back. Well done, Quinn!

Killin' time at the Philly airport
I better check my phone before we board!
Ooooo...big airplane!
Are we there yet?
Changing planes (and outfits) in Charlotte, NC
You were all smiles and really excited to see Aunt Jo (and the doggie) by the time we landed in Gainesville. You ran right to her and asked her to pick you up as soon as we got off the plane. You fell asleep the second you were in the car, but woke up when we arrived at the house. You said hi to Uncle Chris and were introduced to "the doggie." You gave Tulley two careful preliminary pets and then immediately decided you loved him and gave him a hug.

Quinn meets Tulley
We did your usual routine of reading and milk and you went right to bed with no problem. Way to go, baby girl!

 You spend Thursday morning exploring the house, which was beautiful and Quinnproofed from top to bottom. Aunt Jo and Uncle Chris stocked it with everything you could possibly need, from food and toys to a high chair and a pack n play. There was lots of room to run around, new places to explore and most of all- ceiling fans galore. You were in heaven. 

In the afternoon we went to Aunt Jo's office and then out to lunch. It was warm enough to sit outside in the sunshine, where it didn't matter how much of a mess you made. We could get used to this!

Visiting Aunt Jo's office
On the way back Uncle Chris drove us all around the University of Florida so that we could see the campus. You fell asleep in the backseat, but don't worry- we'll take you back your senior year of high school if you are interested.

Here is Daddy "Tebowing" with a Florida beer. You can send this in with your application:

You'll never find me, Uncle Chris!
I love practicing going up and down this step!
Nice, nice, Tulley, gentle touch
Here's how it works - I hand you a magnet, you tell me what animal it is and I'll make the noise.
Sittin' outside, havin' a snack with Uncle Chris
Beer fridge is just my size - and great for magnets!

I love Uncle Chris
Cool motorcycle!
Thanks for the sweet duds, Grammy!
And the new shoes! They are very tasty.
That night some friends came over for dinner with their two kids. You loved playing with the little girl and said her name over and over.  I was too busy watching all the fun to take pictures. Later on Cousin Chrissy came home so you got to play with her too! Once again you were all tuckered out and went right to sleep.

There is more fun to come, stay tuned for Quinn Goes To Florida, Part Two!