Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Happy Birthday Quinn!

Dear Quinn,
Even though your birthday is not until Thursday, we had a small dinner party for you at the apartment on Sunday night. All your favorite people were there - your grandparents and aunts and uncles - even Aunt Jo and Uncle Chris attended via Skype!

The theme was The Sound of Music, since that is your favorite movie. You were very excited about all the decorations, balloons, and most especially - the cake. 

You were such a good little guest of honor. All week we practiced what to say when you open a present, "I love it!" You were very polite and said thank you to everyone who gave you a gift. We are so proud of you and how you behaved at the party.

Thank you so much to everyone who came over at the last minute to celebrate with us!

Our Skype guests!
Uncle Mike demonstrates the Thomas the Train Whistle

Biggest hit of the night - "Frozen" from Aunt 'Lena

You thought this big present from Grammy & Pop-Pop was a bed!

German meatballs, Hot German potato salad, Spaetzel with carmelized Onions, Wursts w/Apples and Sauerkraut

"Favorite Things" Cupkakes!


I can't wait for cake time!

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