Thursday, November 13, 2014

The Last Days of Queen Village

Dear Quinn,
Daycare was closed this past Tuesday, so we took the opportunity to check another park off the list before we move across the city.

Here you are enjoying Seger Playground: 

My first Merry-Go-Round experience
This place is awesome!

OK, that's enough
You requested that we stop at Starr Garden Playground on the way home, which we did because it was a beautiful autumn day: 

Just another day on South Street

We also took one last trip to Three Bears Park, but we had to leave early because someone wasn't sharing. You told me later that day, "We had to leave the park and you cried." Pronouns are not one of your strengths at the moment.

Let's put Frozen and Olaf to bed on Daddy's chest
Whatcha doin' Daddy?
Rainy Day Woman
Gettin' chilly!

2 Year Stats

Dear Quinn,
Although I am a couple weeks behind schedule, I wanted to share your latest stats while they are still fresh in my mind. At your two-year appointment with Dr. Christine, we learned that you are in the 96th percentile for weight and the 78th for height. You are such a big girl! You also received two shots in the chub of your upper thigh with no more than an, "ouch!" and a dirty look for the doctor.

I also had my monthly check-in with your teacher, who told me that you are, "truly the brightest student in the class." (Quotes from others do not count as bragging!) They are teaching you to count to 30 and to identify shapes such as trapezoids and octagons. Soon, it appears that you will surpass your mother both in height and mathematical ability, which is totally fine with me!

I couldn't be more proud of the little person you are becoming, and I  pray every day that you will continue to flourish in your new school, which you are officially scheduled to begin on December 1.

Here are your adorable school photos:

As well as some of your recent artwork:

Thursday, November 6, 2014

The Big Move

Dear Quinn,
In a few short weeks, we'll be moving out of the little Queen Village apartment where we have lived for the past three years. As excited as I am to move into a newer, bigger house, leaving will be bittersweet. After all, this was the first place your Daddy and I lived together, and the only home you have ever known.

I'm going to miss strolling you down the cobblestone streets in Olde City to see the horses and the old cemeteries, or down to the river to see the boats. I'm going to miss being able to walk around the corner to a million different bars and restaurants, the buskers on South Street, and the little parks where we see all your friends.

But we aren't going very far - our new home is less than two miles away, in the area known as Graduate Hospital in Southwest Center City. We will be giving up a little of the convenience we are used to, but gaining (hopefully) a stronger sense of community. For you, this means attending a new school, and making new friends.

For over a year, your father and I have been searching for a house and trying to decide whether to move to the suburbs or not. The biggest factor in our discussions has been, and always will be, your well-being. After much consideration, we decided to stay in the city and bet on our new neighborhood. It will be a risk and an adventure, and one that wouldn't have been possible if you were not the awesome kid you have turned out to be.

We are fully confident that you can roll with the changes, make new friends and adapt happily to your new environment. For as long as it makes sense for our family, you are going to have a life in the big city. If anyone can handle it, it's you! 

Apartment for Rent!

My little packing helper

Monday, November 3, 2014


Halloween 2014

Ready for Halloween parade at school!
Daddy came and surprised us both - you were so happy to see him!
Here you are trick-or-treating in Queen Village: 

Hi Mom.
Daddy is looking pretty handsome with a bug on his head
This lady was lowering her treat bucket from a window

Ship house, complete with working cannons
