Thursday, November 13, 2014

2 Year Stats

Dear Quinn,
Although I am a couple weeks behind schedule, I wanted to share your latest stats while they are still fresh in my mind. At your two-year appointment with Dr. Christine, we learned that you are in the 96th percentile for weight and the 78th for height. You are such a big girl! You also received two shots in the chub of your upper thigh with no more than an, "ouch!" and a dirty look for the doctor.

I also had my monthly check-in with your teacher, who told me that you are, "truly the brightest student in the class." (Quotes from others do not count as bragging!) They are teaching you to count to 30 and to identify shapes such as trapezoids and octagons. Soon, it appears that you will surpass your mother both in height and mathematical ability, which is totally fine with me!

I couldn't be more proud of the little person you are becoming, and I  pray every day that you will continue to flourish in your new school, which you are officially scheduled to begin on December 1.

Here are your adorable school photos:

As well as some of your recent artwork:

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