Friday, December 19, 2014

City Christmas Walk

Dear Quinn,
Last Saturday, you and I continued our tradition of venturing out on a poorly planned Christmas tour of Philly. We logged about 5 miles on your stroller, and had ourselves a cold and stressful Christmas adventure.

1st stop: The Macy's Holiday Light Show: (Fail)

Not impressed.
2nd Stop: The Gallery: (Fail) We got your photos with Santa here for the last 2 years. This little-known Santa was the best-kept secret in town - there was never a line! Well, Mommy failed to make sure Santa would actually show up this year. He wasn't there, and I didn't want to go back to Macy's and wait three hours, so no Santa pic this year. Sorry, kid.

Stop 3: Franklin Flea: (Win!)
Mommy was pretty disappointed in the shopping options here, but it turned out to be the perfect place for you to enjoy some live music while having a festive snack of some Goldfish and dried cranberries.

Stop 4: Reading Terminal Market: (Fail)
Too crowded! Mommy will have to go back without you, and the stroller.

Chinatown Friendship Gate

 Stop 5: Christmas Village at LOVE Park (Fail)

By this point, you were exhausted, throwing tantrums and insisting on climbing out of the stroller. It was packed with people, all of whom were giving me dirty looks for trying to navigate the park with a stroller and a screaming kid.

We escaped, and you screamed all the way down JFK Boulevard, until this busker caught your attention.

Here you are, tears drying, listening to this man play his saxophone. I wish I had more than a couple bucks in cash to tip him!
Stop 6 was supposed to be the holiday spectacular at the Comcast Building... but when we got there, I noticed the number 2 bus coming up the street. We decided to screw it. We boarded the bus, and a couple of sweet old ladies helped rein you in while I folded up the stroller and lugged it on behind us. (Fail)

I'm fairly convinced this was your favorite part of the day, since you talked about "ride the bus!" for the next three days, and even told your teachers at school about it. (Win!)

Prettiest little passenger on Septa
I want you to have meaningful family traditions and special memories of the holidays, but this is the third year in a row where this trip has ended with at least one of us in tears. I will try again next year though, and the year after that, and for as long as you still want to spend some time with your momma. Until then, let's enjoy the rest of the holidays indoors, with family.

I love you so much, baby girl!

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Dear Quinn,
We had our first party in the new house this past Sunday to celebrate Daddy's 34th birthday. We invited your Grammy and Pop-Pop, Uncle TJ and Aunt Rebecca, and some of Daddy's cousins with kids. You had SO MUCH FUN playing with your little cousins once-removed.

Here is a video of you singing Happy Birthday to Daddy before our guests arrived:

And here are some photos of party time:

 You and your BFF, Sarah:

Making gingerbread men

Grammy and Aunt Rita love seeing Daddy be a Daddy
"Happy Birthday to you..."
Grammy is giving you ice cream again!

Happy Birthday Daddy!
Here's to many more celebrations in the new house!

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

All Moved In!

Dear Quinn,
I am so proud of you and the way you handled the transition to the new house!  After being sick on the day of the actual move, you spent the weekend at Mom Mom and Pop Daddy's so that your Daddy and I could get the house ready for you. By the time you arrived on Sunday night, your room was all set up and your toys and books had been unpacked. (Thanks to all four grandparents for providing much-needed babysitting so that we could get settled!)

You walked right in, explored for a little while and got right down to business playing with your toys and watching Frozen for the 800th time. You are starting to recognize the neighborhood and can even point out which house on the street is ours. Way to go, Quinn!

Yesterday was also your first day in your new daycare. You did great! The teachers said that you made it through the whole day without crying, and that they had never seen anything like it. Your daddy and I are so proud of your ability to adapt to new situations. You're the best, Quinn!

Here are some photos from our very busy last couple of weeks:

These three were sent to me by your teacher at your old school - they miss you very much!

Here you are enjoying the new house:

Modeling your new backpack!

Off to school on your first day!
Found a comfy spot to watch Frozen!

Quinn at Mom Mom's house