Tuesday, December 2, 2014

All Moved In!

Dear Quinn,
I am so proud of you and the way you handled the transition to the new house!  After being sick on the day of the actual move, you spent the weekend at Mom Mom and Pop Daddy's so that your Daddy and I could get the house ready for you. By the time you arrived on Sunday night, your room was all set up and your toys and books had been unpacked. (Thanks to all four grandparents for providing much-needed babysitting so that we could get settled!)

You walked right in, explored for a little while and got right down to business playing with your toys and watching Frozen for the 800th time. You are starting to recognize the neighborhood and can even point out which house on the street is ours. Way to go, Quinn!

Yesterday was also your first day in your new daycare. You did great! The teachers said that you made it through the whole day without crying, and that they had never seen anything like it. Your daddy and I are so proud of your ability to adapt to new situations. You're the best, Quinn!

Here are some photos from our very busy last couple of weeks:

These three were sent to me by your teacher at your old school - they miss you very much!

Here you are enjoying the new house:

Modeling your new backpack!

Off to school on your first day!
Found a comfy spot to watch Frozen!

Quinn at Mom Mom's house

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