Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Christmas with Quinn

Dear Quinn,
I took over 600 photos in December of 2014, so it's no wonder this post is so very late. And so, in order to get this up before next Christmas rolls around, I present the following highlights in random order.

Locations include:

The annual Quinn ladies cookie exchange; Christmas Eve with Uncle TJ and Aunt Rebecca; Christmas morning at our house; Christmas Day at Grammy and Pop-Pop's house; Christmas Day at Mom-Mom and Pop's house; Quinn Family Christmas Party (Dec. 27); New Year's Eve with Aunts Julie & Rebecca and Uncles TJ and Mike. 

"Want to decorate cookies???"
"No...I just eat them."
Check out my Super Why App, Uncle Mike!
My lovely Christmas dress - thanks Mom-Mom!
Quinn and Vin
Thanks for the visit, guys!
Decorating the tree
A Chicken book from Mom Mom!
You loved Pop-Pop's train display!
Grammy and Quinn with the trains
Q-Bert and Uncle Facey
Joelle, Chris and Wiggles - live from Florida on Christmas via Skype
Quinn and Pop-Pop
Modeling my Christmas jammies from Grammy
Christmas breakfast with Daddy

You named this Cabbage Patch Doll, "Baby Jesus"
Christmas morning
Santa and Uncle TJ putting together your car on Christmas Eve
Christmas Eve - Gingerbread houses by Mommy and Aunt Rebecca
Cookie Exchange Cookies!
Some of the spoiled baby's haul

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