Saturday, March 30, 2013

Happy Easter!

Monday, March 25, 2013

5 Months!

Dear Quinn,
This weekend I took a technological trip down memory lane, charging up my old phone and scrolling through the pictures. It was a journey through the whole year. There were the crowds on 2 street after the mummers parade, there was your father making a silly face at a bar in Old City, there we are out to a fancy dinner - and then the pregnancy photos begin: my ever-growing belly, snapshots of your nursery in various phases of completion, baby showers, Bermuda. 

And then suddenly it's the view from the delivery room at Jefferson - hospital bracelets around my wrist, one last blurry picture of your Dad, the anxiety and exhaustion written on his face.  And finally - you!

You were so tiny, Quinn!  And you had so much hair, and your skin was so dark, and your arms were so skinny.  I even looked at the phone's call history and the whole story was there - the call to the doctor at 1:47 a.m., the one to your grandparents in the early morning hours, the one to my office, "I'm not coming in today!"

It made me so emotional to re-live your birthday.  Five whole months have gone by - and I still can't believe how lucky we are to have you every single day. 

These days are you starting to live up to your nickname, "Mischief."  Maybe it's our imaginations- but we really think you play tricks on us, Quinn.  You pretend to be asleep, but then smile when we call your name.  You spit out your binky just to see how many times your Daddy will pick it up for you.  You stare until we give you attention and then quickly turn away as soon as we look at you.  All three of us think this is really funny.  

You are really into clocks now.  Your favorite book of the moment is Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? You love playing with toys.  Your new favorites are your mirror turtle, crinkly giraffe, hippo ballerina - and of course, your feet. 

I recently started putting rattle socks on you, but you quickly figured out that it's easier to pull the sock off in order to play with the rattle - you are so smart, Quinn!

You also recently discovered your hair.  You now rub the top of your head when you are nursing or when you are tired.  We both love rubbing your fuzzy head! 

Here you are at five months:

Long day at daycare - time to go home!

"I think I'll stretch out and take up the whole bed."
"Help me roll over, Pop-pop!"
Rattle socks!
Cereal time!

Grammy and Pop have the coolest toys!
Hammering away - I love my tool set!

St. Pat's at Grammy's house - thanks for my shamrock jammies!
I love my Grammy!
Hangin' (literally) with my Pop Daddy T!
I'm not tired, Mommy!
I can't wait to celebrate Easter with you, baby girl.  We love you so much!

Friday, March 22, 2013

March Madness

Ready for tournament time!

 My buddy Anthony gave me this awesome VU onesie!

Thanks for my cool Wildcat shirt, Colleen!
Look at those hands!

Perfect form! Maybe I'll play college hoops like my Daddy

Is this for eating??


Go Wildcats!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Video Roundup

Dear Quinn,
It's been awhile since I posted some videos - here are some of my favorites from the month of March.

 March 2 - You playing in your Jumperoo for the very first time:

Playtime with Mommy:

March 15 - Playing Rocketship with Daddy:

March 20 - Your second attempt at rice cereal - success! 

Monday, March 11, 2013

Week 19

Dear Quinn,
You were still half asleep as I fed you this morning.  The room was dark and quiet, when suddenly the alarm clock started blaring.  You pulled away and looked at me with wide eyes as if to say, "What is that?" (Alarm clocks are rarely needed around here anymore.) I stroked your little head and told you it was ok - and right away, you giggled.  

Who are you, Quinn?  How can you smile so soon after being jolted out of a sound sleep?  How can you trust me so completely to laugh as soon as I dismiss a scary noise?  You are so awesome.

Technical difficulties have kept me from updating your blog this past week, but there are a few new things worth mentioning in the world of Quinn.

We are all adjusting to you sleeping in your crib:

 You started making this funny face where you suck on your bottom lip:

You did your first art project at school.  Naturally, it was the best one in your class: 

We did a St. Patrick's Day photo to come!

And most importantly, your 4-month reign as the "baby" came to an end.  Here is your second cousin, and newest friend, Max Joseph:

8 lbs, 11 oz
The weekend came early because, once again, you were sent home from daycare and couldn't go back the following day.  You caught the stomach bug that has been going around, but were back to your normal self in about 48 hours. Saturday was a beautiful day - the first of what felt like spring - so we took you out for a long walk to get some BBQ on South Street. 

Hi Daddy!
On Sunday we took you to a party to welcome my cousin Pat home safely from Afghanistan.  Here are some pictures from the day:

Pretty patriotic dress
Welcome home, Pat!
Thanks for the awesome homemade blanket, great aunt Kathy!  
Great aunt Chrissy!

Cousin Miranda checkin' you out
Quinn and Raven: future shore house buddies
Quinn and Pop Daddy
Until next time, baby girl - we love you so much!


Sunday, March 3, 2013

Party Girl

Dear Quinn,
You had a big weekend! Even though Friday was March 1st, you got a reprieve from sleeping in your nursery because you were so tired after a long week of daycare.  This is what you looked like when I came to pick you up:

Passed out in a bouncy seat
Notes for the record:

1. I unbuckled you before I took this photo.  Your teachers always use the straps.
2. That is not the outfit you were wearing in the morning. You had an "accident."

On Saturday we took you to Neumann University to go to your friend Roy's first birthday party. You had so much fun with all the kids!

 And the adults had fun too:

This was not your first party - I forgot to post the photos from your buddy Nathan's 3rd Birthday a couple weeks ago. Here you are meeting some of the other kids: Thomas, Henry, Evan, Nathan and Grace:

I love this picture of Daddy helping his old buddy from high school carry his new triplets to the car:

After the party your Daddy put together your jumperoo - you loved it!

The first thing you looked at when we put you in it was the book:

We also readied your nursery for your first night.  This involved moving all your stuff, like the humidifier and white noise machine.  I made you another mobile for your crib that is bigger than the one over the changing table.  Here is your Daddy climbing on your crib to hang it up:

Well, Quinn - we both survived.  You slept in your crib until about 4:30 a.m., which is a pretty normal night for you.  The bassinet is still in our room for now, so after I fed you I brought you back in with us.  Here is a picture of you this morning, all smiles after your first night in your nursery:

Tonight you went to sleep in your crib at your normal bed time without any fuss.  It is nearly ten o'clock and you are still sound asleep.  I don't know why I bothered to read any books about "sleep training."  Like so many things - you made it easy Quinn.  Every day your Daddy and I feel like the luckiest parents in the world.  We are completely convinced that you are the most awesome baby on the planet.  

I can't wait to see what this new week will bring.  Goodnight, baby Quinn!  We love you so much!