Sunday, March 3, 2013

Party Girl

Dear Quinn,
You had a big weekend! Even though Friday was March 1st, you got a reprieve from sleeping in your nursery because you were so tired after a long week of daycare.  This is what you looked like when I came to pick you up:

Passed out in a bouncy seat
Notes for the record:

1. I unbuckled you before I took this photo.  Your teachers always use the straps.
2. That is not the outfit you were wearing in the morning. You had an "accident."

On Saturday we took you to Neumann University to go to your friend Roy's first birthday party. You had so much fun with all the kids!

 And the adults had fun too:

This was not your first party - I forgot to post the photos from your buddy Nathan's 3rd Birthday a couple weeks ago. Here you are meeting some of the other kids: Thomas, Henry, Evan, Nathan and Grace:

I love this picture of Daddy helping his old buddy from high school carry his new triplets to the car:

After the party your Daddy put together your jumperoo - you loved it!

The first thing you looked at when we put you in it was the book:

We also readied your nursery for your first night.  This involved moving all your stuff, like the humidifier and white noise machine.  I made you another mobile for your crib that is bigger than the one over the changing table.  Here is your Daddy climbing on your crib to hang it up:

Well, Quinn - we both survived.  You slept in your crib until about 4:30 a.m., which is a pretty normal night for you.  The bassinet is still in our room for now, so after I fed you I brought you back in with us.  Here is a picture of you this morning, all smiles after your first night in your nursery:

Tonight you went to sleep in your crib at your normal bed time without any fuss.  It is nearly ten o'clock and you are still sound asleep.  I don't know why I bothered to read any books about "sleep training."  Like so many things - you made it easy Quinn.  Every day your Daddy and I feel like the luckiest parents in the world.  We are completely convinced that you are the most awesome baby on the planet.  

I can't wait to see what this new week will bring.  Goodnight, baby Quinn!  We love you so much!

1 comment:

  1. she is SO PRECIOUS. Her face is the perfect mix of you both!
