Wednesday, February 27, 2013

A Looming Deadline

Dear Quinn,
As a writer,  I thrive on deadlines - they are a procrastinator's friend and I often do my best work when they are approaching.  However, there is one deadline that I've been dreading - and it is almost here.

About a month ago, your Daddy and I reached a compromise on the whole you-moving-out-of-our-room thing. And so, on the first of March, you will begin sleeping in your nursery.   

I'm sad, Quinn! I have loved having you sleep next to me these past four months.  I am going to miss being able to reach over and cuddle you and all the little grunts and snores you make while you're sleeping.  Most of all, I am going to miss having your smiling face be the first thing I see when I wake up. 

Your Mom Mom keeps telling me that I have no reason to be sad- and she is right.  So instead of mourning every moment gone by, I am going to concentrate on celebrating your milestones. 

You are truly thriving and growing up before our very eyes.  New accomplishments for you this week include rolling over onto your tummy and successfully grabbing your feet.  Way to go, Quinn! 

For the sake of posterity, here are some of the notes that were sent home from daycare this week:

2/25/13 - Quinn enjoyed rolling onto her side. During tummy time, she did a lot of talking and smiling.  Quinn couldn't fit into her extra outfits (too small).  

2/26/13 - Quinn was very excited to hear me sing to her during sing-along time. Running low on diapers!

2/27/13 - Quinn is a very happy baby girl. She loves to play with toys and she loves to sit at the table and look all around at friends during story time. She also enjoys rolling around on the floor and picking up objects off the floor. Awesome day, Quinn! 

This is how I found you today when I came to pick you up:

Fast asleep in your daycare crib...

These days I have been taking less photos because we have so little time with you on school nights, but I plan to make up for that over the weekend.  In the meantime - more videos! 

Close up in your ducky suit:

Laughing/Hiccuping with Aunt Lauren:

If you watched that last video, you know the end of it is in desperate need of some editing. But instead of doing that, I'm going to leave it be and go to bed so that I can enjoy my last night beside you.  Good night, baby girl - I love you with all my heart.   



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