Monday, February 18, 2013


Written Monday, February 18, 2013

Dear Quinn,
I am so emotional today, not only because I am thinking about your beautiful Christening yesterday, but also because it is President's Day.

It was on this day last year that our lives changed forever - it was the day we found out about you.

I'll never forget how scared I was in those first few moments (and days and weeks!), or the look on your father's face when I told him the news.  He hugged me and told me that everything was going to be ok, but at the time I did not believe him.  He ended up being so right. You are the joy of our lives and the best surprise we have ever gotten. This morning I asked him if he remembered what happened a year ago today.  He said, "Of course! It was one of the happiest days of my life."

Yesterday was another one, Quinn.  On Sunday, February 17, 2013 - you were Christened at St. Joseph's Church in Collingdale.

Even though we don't live in the parish, we really wanted to have your Christening at St. Joe's.  After all, that is where your Grammy was baptized and went to school.  Your Pop Daddy went there too, as well as your mommy, Aunt Lauren, Aunt Elena and Uncle Mike.  I have so many memories of that church, happy ones like my own sacraments, graduation and playing Mary in the Christmas pageant - and sad ones, like the funerals of people I loved.  

St. Joseph's School
But the main reason St. Joe's is so significant is because of your great-grandparents, my Mom Mom and Pop Pop.  Even though they passed away many years ago, I know that they are aware of you and are watching over you as you grow.  Being in that church was just one way to keep them close on your special day. (I even requested Italian food for the luncheon afterwards - an Italian Christening for my little Irish girl!)

In the morning I said a prayer that they be with us as you got baptized.  I was not disappointed - there were definitely little signs of their presence all throughout the day, from the songs they played during mass to the pizzelles that your Great Aunt Theresa made.  It made me very happy.   

Since the day was all about traditions, you wore the same gown that your Aunt Lauren, Aunt Elena and I wore when we were baptized.   Mom Mom had it all laid out for you on the blanket made by your great-grandmother, Mary.

Thanks for altering the bonnet, Mom Mom!

Getting dressed!
I was so thrilled that you fit into the dress - the bonnet was a little on the small side, and there was no way your chubby little feet would squeeze into the shoes, so you wore frilly socks instead.  You looked absolutely beautiful. 

You were so well behaved in church!  You slept all the way through the mass and woke up just in time for your Christening.   Despite your frilly white dress, you were not very ladylike. I won't record exactly what you did, but let's just say that it was irreverent - and I'm surprised it didn't rattle the stained-glass windows.  There was a lot of stifled laughter in the pews around you, Quinn.  

The only time you cried was when they exorcised your demons:

 You smiled during the actual Baptism.

The Godfather - Uncle TJ!

Mommy, Daddy and Quinn
Your Godparents - Aunt Lauren and Uncle TJ

Grandparents and Godparents!
Afterwards we had a luncheon at your Grammy's and Pop Pop's house.  You received many meaningful gifts - a music box like the one your Aunt Jo had when she was a baby, a medal blessed by Pope John Paul II, a wooden coat rack handmade by your Great Uncle John, crosses to hang in your nursery - and money for your future education.  You are very lucky to have so many people in your life who love you, Quinn - and your Daddy and I are lucky to have so much support from them.

Thank you to everybody who made the day so special.  Mom Mom for working so hard making tons of delicious food, Grammy and Pop Pop for hosting the lovely party, Aunt Lauren and Uncle TJ for being such great Godparents- and everybody who came to help us celebrate, especially my Godparents - Aunt Theresa and Uncle John.  

We love you all!

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