Thursday, February 7, 2013

When Does This Get Easier?

Dear Baby girl,
You are doing so well in school!  All the teachers are very impressed with how easily you are adjusting.  We are getting good reports about you smiling, napping and drinking all your bottles.  We are so proud, Quinn! 

It is still hard for your daddy and I, but we are hopeful that it will get better.  It is times like these that I look to your Mom Mom, Grammy, and some of my friends who have balanced work and motherhood.  I have more respect for them than ever before - because this is hard.  

I am lucky to have so many strong women to look up to - and I have to remember that part of the reason we are doing this is so you can have the same thing when you are older and ready to pursue a career of your own.   

I enjoy my job very much, but please believe that my whole office is covered in pictures of you and that I am out the door at 4:59 and running across the city as fast as I can to pick you up.  I feel like I can hardly breathe until I see your little face and can hold you in my arms. The smile you give me when I walk in the door is the best part of my day. 

It helps (a little) to know that you are learning and being stimulated.  We know this because you are totally exhausted.  Last night you came home, ate and then went to bed immediately afterwards - at 7 o'clock.  

I wish you would stay awake longer.  An hour a day is not enough time.  Last night your Daddy and I hung out with you and watched you sleep for awhile, but it just isn't the same.  I miss you so much, Quinn.    

I don't want to end this post on a sad note, so here is a video of me tickling your feet: 

And some photos: 

 Your friend Anna is going to be in your class very soon!

Quinn and Anna out on the town
Quinn and Benny! 
Playing at school 
I love you, little one!

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