Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Sweet Sixteen

Dear Quinn,
You are 16 weeks old today!  We continue to get good reports from daycare about how pleasant and well-adjusted you are.  I got a chance to observe you there yesterday for a few minutes before you noticed me.  You clearly recognize your teachers and become excited and happy when they pay attention to you.

As for your little classmates, you aren't quite sure what to make of them yet.  On a mat with another baby, you were exploring her face with the curious expression we have come to know, while shooting dirty looks to the little boy making a racket in the Jumperoo. You remain, of course, the cutest baby there. 

At home, we noticed recently that you taught yourself how to scoot.  There is no more leaving you in the bouncy seat.  You have been trying to sit up, which is funny because you look like you are doing crunches complete with little grunting noises.  When that doesn't work you resort to arching your back while anchoring your feet on the bottom of the seat.  It's very effective - so much so that we now have to strap you in.  Sometimes you will use the same technique to scoot onto the rug from your playmat.  You are on the move, baby!

These days you love your dragonfly toy and the giraffe picture over the fireplace.  You are so over your love affair with lamps. 

You are starting to pay attention when we read books to you.  Among my favorites for story time are Guess How Much I Love You and Touch and Feel Farm.  Your father prefers There's a Wocket in my Pocket.  

You also love singing.  During the day you smile away for the ABCs, Sally the Camel and I'm a Little Teapot.  At night, your daddy sticks to traditional lullabyes like Rockabye Baby and Hush Little Baby, while I sing you to sleep with Tom Petty's Alright for Now, whose lyrics are especially appropriate at the moment - but will always and forever be "our song."

Alright For Now

Goodnight baby, sleep tight my love
May God watch over you from above
Tomorrow I'm workin' what would I do
I'd be lost and lonely if not for you

So close your eyes
We're alright for now

I've spent my life travelin'
I've spent my life free
I could not repay all you've done for me

So sleep tight baby
Unfurrow your brow
And know I love you
We're alright for now 

We love you, Quinn!


  1. YES, it came back and she looks adorable in it eve if its tight!

  2. LOOK AT THAT NUGGET! She looks great, lady! Awesome outfit.
