Sunday, February 3, 2013


Dear Quinn,

Yesterday was your first Groundhog Day.  Despite Punxatawney Phil predicting an early spring, it snowed all day in Philadelphia.  We spent it eating burritos with Uncle TJ, watching the movie Groundhog Day and playing Trivial Pursuit.  

Let it be known that I hardly ever lost a game of Trivial Pursuit before you came along - but now that my brain has been compromised - your dad was able to beat me (twice). 

Also, your father was getting all the easy questions.  He even got two questions about Groundhog Day! 

All my questions were rather difficult, except this one:

"What keeps the Earth's atmosphere from drifting off into space?"  

I answered correctly, but I did hesitate for about 30 seconds (thanks to baby brain).  

This morning your daddy was still reveling in his victory.  You were sitting on his stomach and he was telling you about the game.  He made a goofy face and said, "Quinn - do you know what keeps the Earth's atmosphere from floating off into space?  - It's GRAVITY!!!!"

And then the greatest thing in the world happened - a huge smile spread across your face and you leaned back and laughed for the very first time.  It was an all-out belly laugh - and the cutest, sweetest, thing either of us have ever seen.  

We told you the "joke" over and over, and every time your daddy said, "Gravity!" all three of us would burst into giggles.  My sweet baby girl- I will never forget that happy moment as long as I live.  

As you can probably tell,  your mommy can be quite the sore loser...  but I would lose every game of Trivial Pursuit for the rest of my life if it meant hearing your adorable laughter.  

We love you, Quinn!

Haha - Gravity!!

 My Daddy is funny!

modeling my "clown suit"!

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