Thursday, January 31, 2013

The Next Chapter

Dear Quinn,
It's very late and I should be getting some sleep, but I am trying to prevent this night from ending.  On Friday my maternity leave ends, so tomorrow is my very last day home with you. 

As heartbroken as I am at the moment, I have to smile when I think about how amazing the last three months have been.  During my pregnancy I had many moments of trepidation about taking care of a baby around the clock, but you have made it such a pleasure. At the time I didn't know that attending to your needs would never seem like a chore. I didn't expect you to be so easy to love - and that everything we do, from soothing you in the middle of the night to changing your dirty diapers, would be done with joy and gratitude.  Nothing in my life could have prepared me for being your mom.  I never knew that you would have so much to teach me.  I never expected that you would consume my mind, expand my heart and sharpen my sense of humor.  Before your arrival we thought that having you would make us poor, but instead you have made our lives incredibly rich. 

As our special time comes to an end, it comforts me to know that I made the most of it and will always have beautiful memories to treasure.  Moving forward I have to focus on the fact that going back to work is what is best for our little family - and for you - in the long run.  You make me proud every day - and I know that we are strong enough to take the next step and start a new adventure. 

As sad as I am right now, I am also very grateful - because truly, baby girl, every day with you has been a gift.

1 comment:

  1. you are killing me with these pics in the baptism gown - she is too cute I could just stare all day long!
    the next 24 hours will be the hardest - the anticipation is the WORST. each day at work will gradually be easier than the last. hugs!!!
