Saturday, January 26, 2013

Video Round Up #3

Dear Baby Quinn,

You found your hands! You have been absentmindedly sucking them for quite some time, but now you have truly noticed they are there. You furrow your little brow, move your fingers around and stare at them in amazement.  Mom-Mom said that this means you are ready for toys that you can hold.  

Here is a video of you crinkling your dragonfly toy:

I haven't captured this on video yet, but your latest trick is blowing raspberries with your mouth.  It is a very slobbery ordeal.  To your father and I it is a constant game of, "What end did that come out of?"

There is a reason I haven't managed to get it on are onto the whole camera thing.  Whenever we stick it in front of your face you stop doing whatever cute thing you are doing and become fascinated instead by the camera.

 Last one!  A short video of you talking to the animals on your bouncy chair:

These may not seem like much, but I know they are going to be a great comfort to me when I go back to work.  I have a habit of watching them over and over again whenever you are sleeping.  Your Daddy thinks it's silly - but I miss you when you're asleep! 

I love you so much, Peanut!

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