Sunday, January 13, 2013

Cereal Time!

Dear Quinn,
For the past couple of weeks you have been showing a lot of interest in food.  You stare at us while we eat, lick your lips and excitedly wheel your little arms and legs.

I had been reading that four months was the proper time to introduce rice cereal, but we all know that you are a very advanced baby. You just seemed ready.

Just to be sure, I reached out to your cousin Kristin, a Clinical Feeding Specialist, mom to a very chubby baby, and the brain behind Toddlers and Tomatoes, to see if she thought it was ok.  She said to go for it!

After careful consideration, (and a little mourning over the fact that you would no longer be "exclusively breastfed") I finally decided I was ready to try.  Of course this decision happened to correspond with a torrential downpour, but your Daddy ran to the store anyway just to get it for you.  

You took it better than we expected, and I think that with more practice you are going to love getting fed from a spoon.  I doubt any cereal actually made it into your little belly, but we all had fun - and that's all that matters for now.  Thank you for giving us another wonderful memory, baby girl!  We love you so very much. 

So here it is, Quinn - your first experience with "food," and the first of many very messy mealtimes:

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