Sunday, January 20, 2013

Three Months!

Dear Baby,

I can hardly believe that you are three months old.  You are through the supposed "4th trimester" that all the experts talk about, meaning you are adjusted to life and ready to explore your world.  I took you to the doctor today and the receptionist said, "That can't be Quinn - Quinn is tiny!"  Not so, anymore.  You are 13 pounds, 14 ounces and 24 and a half inches tall.  They are no longer concerned about your weight, considering you have moved into the 74th  percentile.  You're in the 88th percentile for height!  We are so proud of you and how well you are growing.

Right now there are flurries falling on the city and you are asleep in your chair.  It gives me a chance to reflect on all the great memories we made this past week.  You helped your daddy and I check out a new restaurant, you went on your first trip to the zoo, you played with your friends, we took long walks around the neighborhood, and you met your Great Aunt Sheila and Great Uncle Beav. 

Just like our adventures with cereal, we may have jumped the gun on bringing you to the zoo, but I just couldn't wait any longer to take you there. It was chilly and you slept through most of it, but don't worry, we will take you back again and again.   

Here are some pictures from our week:

America's first zoo!
Quinn and the monkeys

Flamingos?  Boring!
Michelle and Nolan checkin' out the polar bears

Thanks friends, for a wonderful day at the zoo!


Taking a stroll with Daddy
You won't keep mittens on...the solution: socks
Out to dined on your fist

'Love those cheeks!
Nap time!
Quinn and Mommy

Little Buddha

Thank you, Quinn, for giving us the best three months ever.  We love you from the top of your fuzzy little head to the tips of your pudgy little toes! 

1 comment:

  1. We had a fantastic time with you guys on Friday, we'll have to try it out again when it's a tad warmer outside.Love the Quinn and Mommy shot!
