Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!

Dear Quinn,
2012 has finally come to an end.  As I wrote in my Facebook post last night, it was the most difficult, yet most unexpectedly wonderful year of my life.

Here is a picture of your father and I on New Year's Eve, exactly one year ago today:

NYE 2011 - completely clueless!
At the time this photo was taken, we had no idea that the year would bring so many changes to our lives.  Back then we were boyfriend and girlfriend, and now we are a family of three. Sometimes it is still hard to believe all that has happened and how amazing it has been. I don't think I've ever cried so much as I have in this past year.  There have been tears of shock and fear, crying bouts brought on from hormones, and ultimately tears of joy. You have made this year so special and so important and so completely incredible. You have made this a year we will always be grateful for and one we will always remember.  2012 - the year we got Quinn!

For your first New Year's Eve we took you to the 6 o'clock fireworks show at Penn's Landing.  Since there is a big staircase between our apartment and the river, we decided not to take your stroller.  It gave you a chance to wear your snowsuit - and your daddy a chance to wear you in the baby carrier. 

Here you are, all bundled up and ready for the fireworks:

"I can't put my arms down!"

Down by the river
Enjoying the show
Yay! Fireworks!
Daddy shielding you from the wind
You weren't impressed...
We spent the rest of the night on the couch eating takeout sushi and watching TV.  We popped a bottle of champagne and your daddy wrote your name and the year on the cork.  And to make everything come full circle, I shed a few more tears as we watched the ball drop and I thought about our crazy year.  It was a very happy  and memorable new year's eve. 

Someday I will tell you all about how New Year's is significant because it gives us a clean slate - a chance to start over and make ourselves better.  Of course, you are already pure and perfect, but for me there is always room for self-improvement.  This year my resolutions are all about staying healthy and being smart about my finances.  I want to do everything I can to strengthen and protect our little family. You have given me the best motivation to be a better person, because being a better person will help me be a better mommy to you. 

My wish for 2013 is to keep you healthy and happy, and to enjoy and celebrate every moment of your fleeting babyhood. A new year is always a reminder of how swiftly time passes, and you are proving it by growing so fast.  Happy New Year, baby Quinn - and thank you for the greatest year of our lives - so far.  We love you so much!

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