Friday, December 28, 2012

Quinn's First Christmas

Dear  Baby Girl,
We have had a crazy week and a wonderful first Christmas with you.  You must think that life is one big celebration!  You went to the Ladies Cookie Exchange on Friday, out to dinner on Saturday, Quinn Family Christmas on Sunday, Christmas Eve at Grammy's on Monday, and then to both grandparent's houses on Christmas Day.  You did great at all of these events, our little party girl!

Ready for the Cookie Exchange!
Your Mom Mom and I were having so much fun at the cookie exchange that we kept you out until 1 a.m.  I'm not sure what your daddy was up to at home, but you both needed a nice long nap on Saturday afternoon.

The next day you made your debut at Quinn Family Christmas where you got to meet all the Quinns! (Your Mom-Mom's side of the family).  After that we spent Christmas Eve with your Daddy's family before the big day.  A lot of my pictures came out blurry, but I don't think my memories will be fading anytime soon. Below are some of the ones that turned out.

Here you are telling us how much you hate your Christmas dress:

Meeting Nana - your Great Grandmother
Getting used to the dress!

In comfy clothes at last and chillin' with Uncle Mike
Your grandfather loves you!
Your Great-Uncle Jim, Mom Mom's oldest brother
Mommy and Daddy under the mistletoe at Grammy's House - Christmas Eve

Taking a nap with Grammy...
Even while your aunt and uncles were rowdy in the background
Bedtime in your new Christmas jammies!
Waiting for Santa

Santa was good to you and everyone in our little corner of the world, but the best gift of all was having you with us.  This year, snowflakes on Christmas Eve seemed like magic and traditions like decorating the tree and baking cookies were even more special and meaningful. 

We love you so much, Quinn!  Thank you for giving us a reason to celebrate and for bringing the joy of Christmas back into our lives. 

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