Sunday, December 9, 2012

Six Weeks

Dear Quinn,

You're growing so fast!  At six weeks you are nine pounds, 3 ounces and beginning to outgrow your diapers.  Every time I dress you in a tiny sleeper or onesie I wonder if it will be the last time you will ever wear it - a sad thought that fades the second I look at your chubby cheeks or chunky thighs.  You are getting rounder by the second - it's impossibly cute.  

We are finally beginning to settle into a routine.  About an hour before bedtime I take you upstairs for quiet time.  I feed and cuddle you and then your daddy comes up to walk you to sleep.  No lights, no TV, no distractions - just our little family.  It's my favorite time of the day.  You've been sleeping much longer for the past couple of days - only getting up once in the middle of the night.  You mutter to yourself in the morning until I  peek into your co-sleeper.  Lately you've been greeting me with a smile, it's the most wonderful thing in the world.

It seems like each day you become more and more aware of your surroundings.  We've been having so much fun helping you explore the city and make new friends.

You've had a busy week!

Here you are last Saturday night, checking out the new restaurant that opened down the street:

Bainbridge Street Barrel House - you weren't impressed.

On Monday, some of your friends came over for a playdate. You played so nice with your little buddies. (and the Mommys had fun too!)

Adelaide, Benny and Quinn

One of many, many outtakes while trying to get a picture of the three of you...

 Art at the Gallery
Tuesday was a beautiful day - 70 degrees on December 4th!  I took the heavy blanket off your car seat and took you for a nice long walk to see Santa Claus at the Gallery.  On the way home you had your first Septa experience - a ride on the El.  You slept the whole time like a natural commuter.

First ride on the subway
A little wary of Santa...
Your daddy and I are so excited to celebrate the holidays with you.  Here we are picking out your first Christmas tree:

Nifty Fifty's after buying the tree!
And a preview of the Christmas cards we'll be sending out to friends and family:

More to come next week!

P.S. - Momma was a little behind on writing a Thanksgiving post, but it can be found at the link below:

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