Friday, November 30, 2012

Five Weeks!

Dear Q,
You are five weeks old and getting so big!  Yesterday at your weekly weigh-in we learned that you are now 8 pounds, 7 ounces.  You are getting so chubby!  Rolls are beginning to appear all over your little body.  I am thrilled that you have finally surpassed your birth weight, but at the same time alarmed that you are growing so fast. Although I am looking forward to watching you progress, part of me wants you to stay little forever.  Slow down, baby girl!

In the past week or so, you are beginning to make more eye contact than ever before and your neck muscles are strong enough to hold up your head.  Still searching for your thumb, you lick and suck on all your fingers like you just ate an entire bucket of fried chicken - it's adorable.  

Bath time is no longer torture for you.  You are also beginning to sleep for longer stretches.  Last night you slept from midnight to 4 a.m.  You make the middle of the night feedings tolerable by being extra sweet and cuddly - and by smiling out of the corner of your mouth when your tummy is full.  I can't wait until you give us a real full smile, which the books say we can expect any day now.

Update! I began writing this on Wednesday, but it is now Friday, November 30 - the day you gave me a perfect, beautiful gummy smile for the very first time.  It was pretty much the cutest thing in the entire world. 

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