Thursday, November 1, 2012

Special Delivery

Dear Mischief,

Welcome Baby Girl!  I can't believe you are finally here.

It's been over a week now and the details are already starting to get hazy.  Before they fade completely, here is the story of your arrival. 

Your daddy has been saying all along that you were going to come on Tuesday, October 23, so we spent one last weekend getting ready for you.  We had a quiet night on Friday, just talking and enjoying the quiet of the house - quite literally the calm before the storm.

On Saturday after his football game, your dad took me out on a date - we took a cab to Rittenhouse Square and had a nice dinner at Alma de Cuba.  Here is the picture we took right before we left.  It would turn out to be the last picture of me pregnant with you!

39 weeks
On Sunday, we took advantage of the Eagles bye week.  Your dad played one last round of golf and I took his car to the supermarket to stock up on food.  I spent the rest of the day cooking stuff to put in the freezer for the days after your birth.

Monday, October 22 began like any other with your daddy and I going to work.  At the end of the day my boss called me into her office to tell me the good news that they were going to change my title and that I would start my new position the next day...or in three months.   

I told her that it probably wouldn't be my only title change of the week - that I might go from "Mommy-to-be" to "Mommy" very soon, because my belly had been feeling funny all day.

That night your daddy and I went to Mom-mom and Pop Daddy's house for dinner.  We had lasagne and meatballs, and Mom-mom told me a story about eating Italian food at my Mom-mom's house right before she went into labor with your Aunt Lauren.

Cab fare on the fridge!
It did the trick!  At 1:55 a.m. I woke up out of a sound sleep because my water was breaking.  I had imagined this moment so many times and I always planned on letting your daddy sleep.  Instead I excitedly woke him up.  "Tim!  My water is breaking!!!"  He had to calm me down and remind me to call the doctor.

By 2:30 a.m. we were out on the street hailing a cab to take us the hospital.  All I remember about the ride was that the cabbie was driving with one hand and eating a hoagie with the other.  Your daddy and I held hands in the back seat. 

We arrived at Jefferson and the ER staff asked how they could help us.  I got to say the words I had been waiting to say for so long, "I'm in labor!" 

We were wheeled up to Labor and Delivery where they admitted us right away.  It was 3 a.m. but we waited until about 6 o'clock to call your grandparents to tell them what was happening.  In the meantime your daddy talked to me and reminded me to breathe through the contractions.  About an hour later, when they started to get really intense, I asked when I could get the epidural.  They sent your daddy out of the room and a really nice nurse named Margie held my hand while they put it in. 

Shortly thereafter, they wheeled me in to a bigger room and your daddy and I both fell asleep for a couple of hours.

In the delivery room...

View from the delivery room
Around 1 p.m. your daddy left to go get something to eat and meet up with your grandparents, who were already at the hospital waiting to meet you.  By the time he came back I could feel the contractions getting stronger despite the epidural. You were getting close!  I told your daddy that I thought it was almost showtime and pressed the button to call the nurse.  She confirmed that you had made significant progress and that it was time to start pushing.  As the nursing staff began getting ready alarms started going off in the room. I was so worried that something was wrong with you, but it was just my heart rate going through the roof with nervousness and excitement. 

All told, I pushed for an hour and 45 minutes, but it seemed to go so much faster than that.  It was nothing like we imagined it would be.  There was no screaming, cursing or getting mad at your daddy.  He coached me through the whole thing, along with the nurses, who were absolutely wonderful. It was actually a really great experience.  Giving birth to you was truly one of the most powerful and amazing moments of my life. 

You were born on October 23, 2012 at 3:42 p.m.  You weighed 7 pounds, 12 ounces and measured an impressive 22 inches long. 

The first thing the doctors said when they saw you was, "Look at that wingspan!"  You have your daddy's long arms, big hands and feet, and a miniature version of his face. We think that you are the most beautiful baby in the world. 

Quinn Mary Smith
We gave you a very proud Irish name.  Your first name is your Mom-mom's maiden name - and you are named in honor of her, your great grandparents and all your great aunts, uncles and cousins.  It's a rather sophisticated name, but I think that you'll grow into it.  It comes from the Celtic meaning "wise" and "intelligent."  You are already proving to live up to it. 

Your middle name comes from the Irish tradition of naming the first born daughter in honor of the Blessed Mother.  It is also your great grandmother's name - and your mother's middle name. 

Welcome to the world baby Q!  Your daddy and I love you so much and are so excited to start our new life with you. 
Our little family


  1. Love love love!!!! Welcome Quinn!!!!!

  2. This is just lovely and fantastic. She is absolutely gorgeous and I am so happy you had a wonderful experience! Welcome to the world, baby Quinn!
