Saturday, November 17, 2012

Video Round Up

Dear Quinn,
One of the last things we did before your arrival was buy a new digital video camera to help us capture memories of you.  You have been keeping us very busy, but I'm finally getting around to uploading some videos.

The first one was taken by your father.  He was only testing out the camera, so after he recorded this I asked him to delete it.  I'm so glad he didn't.  It was taken on October 15th, eight days before you were born.


I recorded your homecoming, but the video is shaky because I was so overwhelmed with emotion when we brought you in.  I couldn't believe that after all the preparation and anticipation, you were finally home. I think we'll keep that one private - but here is a short one of you getting ready to leave the hospital. 

And here are a couple videos of you just looking around, sneezing, grunting and making the little noises that you make. (I edited out the barfing - you're welcome, Mischief!). I find myself watching these when you are sleeping and I miss interacting with you.  Already you look different from the video above.  You are growing and changing every day.  


Look how beautiful you are!  I love you so much baby girl!

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