Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Three Weeks!

Dear Quinn,

You are officially three weeks old!  I can't believe how fast the time is flying.  Baby girl, you have been such a joy.  Already we cannot imagine our lives without you.

Rocking the vote!
Even at this moment when you are peacefully asleep in your swing, I have to resist the urge to pick you up and cuddle you.  Most of the time you take your daily nap in my arms.  I know I need to break this habit, but I only have 12 weeks off from work.  My most important job right now is to spend time bonding with you.  Laundry, cooking and writing can wait if you want to spend a few hours cuddling on the couch with your mommy.  You love to snuggle!

First piece of mail
We have been getting more adventurous lately, and you have had quite a bit of firsts in the last week or so.  I have been trying to get you out into the fresh air while this beautiful autumn weather holds.  You took your first stroll around the block on election day and have since been to the pediatrician, the grocery store, the post office and the drug store.  Your daddy and I even took you out to lunch at one of our favorite restaurants in the neighborhood.  You slept through the entire meal like an angel - we were so proud!
Going on a date with Daddy
First Halloweens are scary!
In the meantime you have had lots of visitors - everyone wants to meet you!  Most of the time you sleep while we are entertaining - very rude, Quinn!  

Meeting Aunt Jo and Uncle Chris
Now that things are beginning to calm down, Mommy is going to try to do a better job keeping up with this blog - even if I'm only posting a series of pictures instead of writing. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh my God she is an angel. Love all the pics! Glad you guys are doing so well. (Ailie got the same piece of mail from the SS administration, and I was similarly excited. BABIES!)
