Tuesday, January 15, 2013

The Great Debate

Dear Quinn,

You are officially twelve weeks old! You are gaining better control of your hands and have recently started rubbing your eyes when you're tired.  You also play with the little cowlick on the back of your head as you are falling asleep. You're becoming a lot more vocal and can keep up your end of the conversation by saying, "Ooo, ooooo, oooo!"  

You are getting so big! All your newborn clothes have been packed away and you're in a whole new wardrobe of 3-6 month stuff.  In a few short weeks, I'll be going back to work and you'll be off to "school." 

In the meantime we are doing our best to get ourselves prepared.  You need practice with the bottle - and practice sleeping through the night.  This is currently the big disagreement in our house. Your Daddy thinks we'll all get more sleep if we move you into your nursery.  I prefer having you sleep right next to me in your co-sleeper. 

Mommy says:  It's going to be hard enough missing you during the day.  I'm not ready to miss out on all the little grunts and snores you make in the middle of the night. I love being able to pick you up to cuddle in our bed when you stir, or letting you hold on to my finger while we both sleep.  Plus, it makes it easier for you to nurse, which you still do every three hours.  Also - you like sleeping next to Mommy!  No matter where we put you in the bassinet, you always skooch all the way over to the side that's closest to us. 


Daddy says: When Mommy is working, we are all going to need more sleep.  You need to learn to soothe yourself so that you can be strong and independent.  You have a beautiful crib that your Grammy and Pop Pop bought for you.  You are getting too big for the bassinet!

Deep down I know that your father is right, but I'm just not ready yet.  I know he understands how I feel.  On the few nights when I stayed up later than him, I have come upstairs to find you both sound asleep- and him on my side of the bed with his hand on your belly. 

There is a good chance I will never be ready, so we are just going to stretch it out as long as possible until he really puts his foot down.  But for now, baby girl, it is so, so wonderful to go to sleep every night between the two people I love the most.  I am going to treasure every single day I get to wake up and roll over to be greeted by this beautiful smile. 

 Good morning, Mommy!

Goodnight, Rao!
Master of Tummy Time



Your fuzzy hair!

We love you, Quinn!

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