Friday, July 19, 2013

Party Girl

Dear Quinn,
We are less than two hours away from another weekend, and I haven't yet written about the last one!


You had so much fun making friends (and enemies) at your friend Benny's first birthday party.

Benny, let me sit on your Mommy's lap for a minute!

I love necklaces!

I know it's your birthday, but I'm gonna take your brand new toys...

My first time playing in a sand box
Andrew, let's make goofy faces at the camera!
And then we went to Grammy and Pop-pop's house to see Aunt Jo and Uncle Chris.  You seem totally at home at their house now.

First you read the book to me, Aunt Jo,...
...Then I'll read it to you!

I missed you, Grammy!

You too, Uncle TJ!
I wore my University of Florida dress just for you, Uncle Chris!

On Sunday, we went to your great-Aunt Theresa and Uncle John's house to see cousin Anthony who was visiting from Florida.  All your Florida people came home!

The whole family!

Cousin Vinny loves you

Me and Mom-Mom

Playin' the piano with Aunt 'Lena

Now, we are off to the shore and you are off to spend the weekend with Mom-Mom and Pop Daddy.  We'll miss you, Quinn!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Know What's Good?



Mmm!!  I eat them all!!!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Catchin' Up with Quinn

Dear Quinn,
So much about you has changed in the last two weeks that I don't even know where to begin.  You now crawl at warp speed and all you want to do is stand up.  You pull yourself up and walk around the room holding on to the furniture.  You stand up in your crib and force us to lay you back down over and over and over again.

Your ears are your latest discovery - you scratch and pull at them so much that I asked the doctor to check you for an infection.  (all clear!)

You recently started dancing - moving your body up and down to the beat if music is playing.  We are anxiously waiting to see if you will inherit your Daddy's dance moves - or, God forbid, mine. 

You did pick up something from your Momma after all though - you have just started sucking your thumb!  We will let you continue as long as you like, but please keep in mind that it stops being cute around high school. 

You are eating more than ever before - whole jars of baby food before you get your bottles and a bit of grazing throughout the day.  You protest if anyone around you is eating.  I have never had a puppy, but I imagine it isn't unlike having you around at the moment.  You climb up our legs begging for a bite, and if something is dropped on the floor, we are quick to snap it up before you get to it.

Your Daddy does not want me to encourage this behavior.  "Stop feeding her from the table!" but it is so much fun to offer you little chunks of whatever we are having and watch you chew it up with your four little teeth.  You will even take sips from a glass of water.

Although the infant room at school is only supposed to go up to six months, they have kept you around because you are the teacher's pet.  I suspect that is going to change very soon.  You are now a danger (and a bully!) to the smaller babies in the room.  Yesterday I watched you stand over a little guy in a bouncy seat and steal the binky right out of his mouth.  Needless to say, I am not worried at all about your ability to hold your own with the older kids in the next room up.  You're ready and you're going to be great!

Your little personality is really starting to emerge and we are being forced to discipline you for the first time.  I have been trying to teach you to share your puffs, to stop growling when you aren't getting fed fast enough, to stay away from the TV and fireplace, and most of all to STOP TAKING MY GLASSES OFF MY FACE.  I am continually amazed by your strength.  If you are determined to get my glasses, there isn't much I can do to stop you.  I constantly pull away and repeat the word, "no" over and over, which you think is really funny.  It's all our fault that you think it's a game - we can't help but return the smile every time you show us your toothy little grin.

I saved the very best for last - you have become cuddly again.  Most times when you come crawling over, you just want to be picked up and held.  If you are very tired, you will sit quietly on our laps while we read you a book.  You give out "hugs" by gently laying your face against our cheeks or chests.  Getting one of your hugs is the absolute greatest thing in the world.  We love you so much, Baby Quinn!

Let's look at some pictures from the last couple of weeks!

Just missed a rainstorm

I love my Daddy!

And my Momma too!

Playing with Daddy

South Street Diner: I ordered squished up tomato bits

Picking out some new toys online...

More playtime with Dad

Sunday morning: pickin' up veggies at the Headhouse Square Farmer's Market

Don't tickle me, Mommy!
BBQ with my buddies
Hey Adelaide..can I have a lil' sip?

Playin' ball with Ella

Gotta go!  See you next time!

Monday, July 8, 2013

Quinn's First Vacation

Dear Quinn,
We've been home for awhile, and you have not given me a chance to update your blog!

We have been so busy these past couple of weeks.  You were sick with a stomach bug, and then it was time for your Daddy and I to go to Mexico for Aunt Lauren's wedding.

For five days and four nights, you stayed at your Grammy and Pop-Pop's house.  They had the whole house set up for you - a crib, high chair, stroller, toys, food, diapers...the works! You had all the comforts of home while enjoying the quiet atmosphere of the suburbs. 

We missed you sooooo much, but we knew that you were having a great time with your grandparents and getting lots of special attention.  I was worried about how you would behave, but Grammy reported that you were a very good girl, despite the fact that you got two new teeth! 

You loved hanging out on the deck, exploring Pop-Pop's garden, watching the birds, sitting on the porch swing - and most especially playing in the pink clamshell pool that Pop-Pop got for you. You even took a bath in the very same sink where Grammy used to bathe Daddy when he was a baby. 

We are so happy that you are close to your grandparents and so grateful that they are always willing to watch you.

Daddy and I had a wonderful vacation and it would not have been possible without them. (Thank you, Grammy and Pop-Pop!) 

Here are some pictures of your vacation, courtesy of Pop-Pop's camera: 

Enjoying the pool in my new bee bathing suit!

Watching all the action from the front porch
Help me stand up, Grammy!

Lots of friends came over to visit me!

Playing with Pop-Pop!

THANK YOU so much for taking care of me!

Thursday, July 4, 2013