Monday, July 8, 2013

Quinn's First Vacation

Dear Quinn,
We've been home for awhile, and you have not given me a chance to update your blog!

We have been so busy these past couple of weeks.  You were sick with a stomach bug, and then it was time for your Daddy and I to go to Mexico for Aunt Lauren's wedding.

For five days and four nights, you stayed at your Grammy and Pop-Pop's house.  They had the whole house set up for you - a crib, high chair, stroller, toys, food, diapers...the works! You had all the comforts of home while enjoying the quiet atmosphere of the suburbs. 

We missed you sooooo much, but we knew that you were having a great time with your grandparents and getting lots of special attention.  I was worried about how you would behave, but Grammy reported that you were a very good girl, despite the fact that you got two new teeth! 

You loved hanging out on the deck, exploring Pop-Pop's garden, watching the birds, sitting on the porch swing - and most especially playing in the pink clamshell pool that Pop-Pop got for you. You even took a bath in the very same sink where Grammy used to bathe Daddy when he was a baby. 

We are so happy that you are close to your grandparents and so grateful that they are always willing to watch you.

Daddy and I had a wonderful vacation and it would not have been possible without them. (Thank you, Grammy and Pop-Pop!) 

Here are some pictures of your vacation, courtesy of Pop-Pop's camera: 

Enjoying the pool in my new bee bathing suit!

Watching all the action from the front porch
Help me stand up, Grammy!

Lots of friends came over to visit me!

Playing with Pop-Pop!

THANK YOU so much for taking care of me!

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