Friday, January 24, 2014


Dear Quinn,

My sweet baby girl, you are 15 months old and becoming so self-sufficient. You will head upstairs when you are ready for a new diaper, or go over to your high-chair when you are ready to eat. The other day you brought me upstairs and pointed to your crib. I put you in and you went right to sleep.  Do you even need me anymore?  Maybe not - but you sure like hanging out with me. For the past few weeks of sick days and snow days, you have been my little shadow. You follow me from room to room "helping" me with tasks.

There are certain things I never do alone anymore. I can never make coffee without you there to applaud when it starts coming out of the machine.  You love folding (unfolding) the laundry.  You make snow angels in the piles of warm clothes and try to put every single item over your head, from Daddy's socks to my jeans. You also insist that we go upstairs to fold the clothes the minute the dryer buzzes. I think you got this compulsion from Pop-Daddy T!

At school, you are doing so great in your new room. You are having no problems sleeping on the cot and the teachers claim that they have yet to hear you cry. I'm so proud! Your ability to adapt never ceases to amaze me. So many of the other kids had trouble with the transition, but it barely fazed you. Every once in a while you will experience the slightest bit of separation anxiety, but most of the time you wave enthusiastically, blow kisses and say your favorite word over and over again, "Bye!"

Putting my binky back in my crib for later

Post-nap workout

The laundry is never done...

More snow!
But -urgh! I can't go out because of my eye...
A little bit better...

All better!

My baby's name is "GeeJou!"

Pillows! Another word that is fun to say

I'm ready for bed now - bye!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

A New Year - 2014

Dear Quinn,
While I try to resolve the technical issues that have been keeping me from posting the Christmas photos, I will fill this space with words. Although our new year has been off to a slow start, I have a feeling that it's going to be a great one. We are all starting to feel healthy again and we are very relieved that you got through your first fever since the hospitalization without having a seizure. Even though it seems like only a couple of weeks have gone by since that incident, we are coming up on five months. The dawn of a new year is a good time to make a concious effort to put it behind us.

I am trying to leave the worry and bad memories behind while still holding onto the perspective it gave us. Seeing things through the lens of what happened has made me more appreciative, and it has made every day of normal life with you seem more special.

Every time your Daddy and I have a disagreement, I remember how he responded on that day and the weeks afterwards. Every time I become overwhelmed at the prospect of raising you, I remember all the people around us who love you, especially your grandparents and aunts and uncles - and I know that they are going to be a positive influence on you. It takes a village to raise a child, and you have the best and biggest village around.

There are exciting things on the horizon for our family in the new year. We are hoping to get ourselves into a real home - and (hopefully) start planning our wedding.

Now that you are 14 months old, you communicate more than ever. You are able to understand simple instructions and you delight in your everyday activities of eating, bathing, playing and going to school. You now clean up your toys (with some help and encouragement) and also put your dirty clothes into the hamper (and sometimes take them back out again).

Your favorite toys are still your books. You are always handing me one and then happily climbing into my lap. I make it a rule to always stop what I am doing to read you a book - plus it's the only time you ever sit quietly and let someone hold you. We ask you questions about your books - "Where is the bird? Where is the banana?" and you point to the correct one and repeat the words. You are so smart! Some of your favorite books at the moment include Barnyard Dance, Goodnight Philadelphia, The Going to Bed Book, Ollie, Peekaboo Sophie and anything about colors. You love colors, animals and music. You love to sing and dance and tell jokes that nobody but you understands. You are very happy and silly!

Things at school are going very well. You have been interacting with your peers a lot more lately. The other day I watched you pick up a ball and offer it to one of your friends. You have begun your transition into your new room -"Young Toddlers." You will now be in a larger group of kids and will take your nap on a low cot instead of a crib. I know that you are going to do great!

More pictures soon, I promise!  I love you, Quinn!

I forgot to add, "Critically Thinking about Medical Ethics"
to your list of favorite books!

Watchin' TV with Daddy

You can't change my sheets until I'm finished jumping!
I love jumping on the bed!  

Modeling my new outfit from Aunt Jo!
Snow day #2!

Who are you calling a "baby"?
I'm a big kid!

Friday, January 10, 2014

Holidays 2013 - Cookie Exchange!

My dear little Quinn,
Our 2014 is off to a very slow start.  Illness, along with the cold weather, has kept us mostly confined to the apartment - but the upside of this has been a lot of quality time with you. 

Before we move on to the new year, I wanted to share some photos of the holiday party season.  Here we are kicking it off at the 2013 Quinn Family Cookie Exchange at your great Aunt Chrissy's house in West Chester.  I was so impressed that you stayed up so late partying, until I found out that everyone had been sneaking you cookies behind my back.  Here are the pictures:

All the ladies!

Me and my Mommy
Nice, nice teddy bear
With Great Aunt Chrissy and cousin Michelle
What are these metal thingies on your teeth??

Cousins Kate and Michelle
The best part of the cookie exchange - the cookies!
Mom-Mom, Mommy - and me!
Great Aunt Kathy showing me the ornaments
Michelle playing the violin

Craft time!  Making ornaments in honor of my great, great Aunt Helen!
 We had a great time with you, Quinn.  Much more to come!