Friday, January 24, 2014


Dear Quinn,

My sweet baby girl, you are 15 months old and becoming so self-sufficient. You will head upstairs when you are ready for a new diaper, or go over to your high-chair when you are ready to eat. The other day you brought me upstairs and pointed to your crib. I put you in and you went right to sleep.  Do you even need me anymore?  Maybe not - but you sure like hanging out with me. For the past few weeks of sick days and snow days, you have been my little shadow. You follow me from room to room "helping" me with tasks.

There are certain things I never do alone anymore. I can never make coffee without you there to applaud when it starts coming out of the machine.  You love folding (unfolding) the laundry.  You make snow angels in the piles of warm clothes and try to put every single item over your head, from Daddy's socks to my jeans. You also insist that we go upstairs to fold the clothes the minute the dryer buzzes. I think you got this compulsion from Pop-Daddy T!

At school, you are doing so great in your new room. You are having no problems sleeping on the cot and the teachers claim that they have yet to hear you cry. I'm so proud! Your ability to adapt never ceases to amaze me. So many of the other kids had trouble with the transition, but it barely fazed you. Every once in a while you will experience the slightest bit of separation anxiety, but most of the time you wave enthusiastically, blow kisses and say your favorite word over and over again, "Bye!"

Putting my binky back in my crib for later

Post-nap workout

The laundry is never done...

More snow!
But -urgh! I can't go out because of my eye...
A little bit better...

All better!

My baby's name is "GeeJou!"

Pillows! Another word that is fun to say

I'm ready for bed now - bye!

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