Wednesday, April 30, 2014

18 Month Checkup

Dear Quinn,
Last night you had your 18-month well visit with Dr. Christine. You are now 26 and a half pounds and 32 and a half inches, which puts you in the 90th percentile for weight and the 71st for height. You are such a big girl, and it makes us so happy to see you growing and thriving.

And now I am going to brag a little bit because I am your mother and I can't help it. You noticed a painting of an owl on the wall in the examination room and you immediately pointed to it and said, "Owl! hoot hoot!" This impressed the doctor, who was blown away by all the animal sounds you knew. The other side of the room had some decals of fruits and vegetables, and you began naming them and telling us what color they were. The doctor was charmed when you identified a banana and proclaimed that it was "YELLOW!!!!" but she was not expecting you to say, "Broccoli!"

We then moved on to naming parts of the body, and I was about to show the doctor how you count, but your Daddy had to step in and tell us to stop showing off. Dr. Christine says that you are incredibly smart and that you are "developmentally off the charts."  She also said that based on your vocabulary and cognitive development, you are on par with many four-year-olds. Congratulations, Quinn, you are officially brilliant. 

We could not be more proud of you. You are naturally curious and love to learn. If this continues throughout your life, there is no limit to what you can accomplish. Keep up the good work, and remember that we love you so much! 

Watching "Doe" in the waiting room 

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