Monday, April 21, 2014

Happy Easter

Dear Quinn,
We had the most wonderful Easter! Your holiday weekend began on Friday with the Easter egg hunt at school. That night we attempted to decorate eggs, which mainly resulted in you decorating yourself with washable markers. On Saturday morning, Daddy took you out on a mystery errand so that I could do some cooking and baking. (You guys actually went to get a surprise Easter basket for me, so thank you very much, Quinn!).

Later that day, Mom-Mom and Pop-Daddy came over and took you for a long walk all over the neighborhood and down to the river, so we had no trouble getting you to sleep to rest up for the big day.

On Sunday, the weather was perfect. You woke up smiling and Daddy entertained you upstairs while I hid the eggs and readied the video camera. You were delighted by your Easter basket and by the egg hunt we set up in the living room.

When the excitement died down, we got all dressed up and headed to Grammy and Pop-Pop's house for Easter brunch with them, Uncle TJ and Rebecca and Uncle Mikeyface and Julie. Grammy and Pop-Pop set up an egg hunt for you, so you wandered around cracking open eggs and eating cookies and goldfish. Then we had a delicious meal and you took a long nap in your crib at their house.

When you woke up, we put on the fancy shoes and Easter dressed that Mom-Mom bought for you and headed to your Great Aunt Sheila's and Great Uncle Beav's house to see Pop-Daddy's side of the family. You were the life of the party and had a great time playing with my aunts, uncles and cousins. They had not seen you since last Easter, so it was a wonderful feeling to get everyone together again.

Quinn, you have a lot to show for your Easter adventures. It was like a second Christmas for you. Your haul included four Easter baskets, one from school, one from us, and one from each set of grandparents. Your grandparents also provided diapers, cool new toys, much-needed new books, and an entire summer wardrobe, including pajamas and six pairs of shoes. You are one spoiled baby... but even though you can't yet verbalize your gratitude, I really think that you are very appreciative of all your gifts. The way your little face lights up with pure delight is almost a thank you in itself. But in the meantime, we'll say thank you on your behalf to all the people who love you.  Thank you, everyone!  And thank you, Quinn, for the precious memories of another holiday with you. We love you!

It's hard to believe we let the whole day go by without getting a family photo, or one of you with your grandparents, or one with your mommy or daddy, but you aren't much for posing lately...what we do have are a couple photos to document the day, including plenty of you in your pretty dress - enjoy!

Easter baskets and cookies!
There's one!
Oh! Is this for me??
I'll share with you, Uncle Mikeyface

I'm a good egg hunter!
Quinn, Marie and Elizabeth - you were so excited to see them

America's next top models!
Reading a book with the girls
Quinn and Diana

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