Monday, November 25, 2013

Down on the Farm

Dear Quinn,
If I did a survey of all your books and toys, I'm willing to bet that half of them are about farms.  You love looking at pictures of the different animals and learning their names and the sounds they make. So when my good friend, "Aunt" Kelly, gave you a farm-themed birthday present with an invitation to see the real deal, I knew we had to take you. 

Yesterday morning we got up early and drove an hour into New Jersey to see the farm at Rutgers University, where Kelly and her boyfriend Anthony live and work. Your friend Benny and his Mommy and Daddy came too, and we all had a wonderful time. 

Note: I had picked out the perfect farm-appropriate outfit for you (pink osh-kosh's with a long-sleeved shirt and furry boots), but you got a little carsick, so you toured the farm in your pajamas.  

Here are some photos from our day: 

First we went into the house, where Kelly and Anthony gave you each a farm puzzle - and you ate all their blueberries. 

Thank you for the awesome farm puzzle, Kelly and Anthony!
Quinn and Benny!
 Then we bundled up and went across the street to see the horses: 

Kelly and Anthony with one of the 30 horses
Mommy, Daddy and Quinn
The Cruz family

After the horses, we moved on to the goats:

Look at this little guy...
...and this little guy!

 Then we got to Benny (and Daddy's) favorite part - the heifer barn!  Benny ran up and down the building saying, "Mooo!" and Daddy couldn't stop petting them. You just stared the entire time - totally fascinated by the cows!
Quinn in the cow barn


Next we checked out where the piggies live - they were huge!

After that, we moved on to your favorite part, the sheep!  For weeks you have been telling us that the sheep says, "Baa!"  It was amazing to watch you connect the dots when you heard the big sheep and the little lambs saying it over and over.  You said "baaa!" the whole time we were in there, except of course when the video camera was rolling. 

The sheep says, "baa!"
Anthony picked up a lamb so that you could pet him. You reached right out with your little mitten and did it very gently without any fear at all.  We were so proud of you, Quinn!

Nice, nice, lamb

It's so much fun to take you to new places and watch you learn, Quinn!  You were so well-behaved and interested. Thank you for giving your Daddy and I a great memory that we will hold onto forever.  

And thank you, Kelly and Anthony, for an unforgettable day on the farm!

I had so much fun!

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