Monday, November 18, 2013

One Year Checkup!

Dear Quinn,
You are officially walking.  You went from taking 5 or 6 steps to strolling across the kitchen floor in about a week.  You picked it up so quickly - way to go, Quinn!

You are communicating a lot more as well.  You answer questions with your sign language or by pointing, showing enthusiasm, and talking. You say "yes" by clapping and your favorite signs are "eat," "milk" and "bye-bye." 

These days you are no longer drinking out of a bottle at school.  You take all your milk in a sippy cup except for the first bottle in the morning and the last one at night.  Daddy says it's time to cut the bottle out completely, but I am having a hard time accepting it. 

We have our little routine every night after dinner.  You get your bath and then we sit in the chair and read a couple of books.  After that I turn off the light and hold you and sing to you while you're drinking your bottle.  After you burp, you often point to the crib as if to say, "put me down, Mommy - I want to go to sleep!" 

This quiet time is the only part of the day where you will let me hold and cuddle you like a baby.  I'm going to miss it so much!  I'll be very happy if we can continue this little tradition without the bottle, but you and I are both very set in our ways.  We will get through it together, little girl. 

Last week you had your one year checkup at the doctor's office.  You are nearly 30 inches tall and twenty four and a half pounds.  Because you started out unable to gain weight properly, I cheered when they told me that you are in the 93rd percentile for weight.  This concerned the doctor and she said that we are not to give you any more cookies.

You sat on my lap in the exam room and together we answered all the doctor's questions.  "Is she clapping?"  Old news!  You immediately clapped for her.  "Is she walking?"  You took about six steps, followed by more clapping.  "How about talking?"  I turned to you and asked, "Quinn, what does the sheep say?"  "Baaa!"

You got four shots, 2 in each arm, but only cried for about 20 seconds.  You are such a tough little girl!  You forgave the doctor right away, and even blew her kisses and waved bye-bye when we left.

As soon as we got home, I gave you a cookie for being so brave. We love you so much, Quinn!

Hugging my monkey

Daddy and Me selfie!
Mommy and me selfie!

Err...bad selfie of me!

Football time!  I want some nachos, Daddy!
Yum!  Thanks, for sharing!
Halftime! Reading my football book from Uncle Mike and Julie

More school pictures!

Dressed like Daddy - grey pants and a Stonhard shirt.
"Tech service, this is Quinn!"
I bit my basketball...Daddy threw it out.  :(

This is why there aren't a lot of new picture of me - they all look like this!

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