Thursday, November 7, 2013

Our Little Toddler

Dear Quinn,
You may have noticed that there has been a lot of pictures on this blog lately, and not a lot of words.  The truth is that I have been avoiding writing anything about you turning one because I wasn't ready to admit that you are no longer a baby.  It makes Mommy sad that you are growing up so fast, but there is no denying it - you have now officially reached toddlerhood. 

Along with this milestone has come all sorts of exciting things.  You are increasingly mobile.  You climb all the way up the stairs and have taken a bunch of steps on your own.  Your current record is five steps - way to go, Quinn! 

Your vocabulary is expanding by the day.  You constantly point to objects and say, "Dijou?" (What's that?) and then try to imitate the sounds when we tell you the word.  In addition to Mama, Dada and uh-oh, you say words like diaper, hello, thank you and turtle. 

You mimic our actions all the time. You wave bye-bye and blow kisses. You pick up our phones and hold them to your ear, often saying, "Hellooooo, Mom-Mom!"  In the mornings you sit on the floor next to me and we brush our hair together, which you think is hilarious. Speaking of hair, yours has gotten so long that I use the blow dryer to dry it after your bath.  You stand at the mirror while I chase you around with it.  You love the baby in the mirror and always look behind it trying to find her! 

Now that you are one, we have made the transition to cow's milk. You love it!  You hold the bottle to your mouth with one hand and sign the word for milk with the other.  You're so smart, Quinn!  You are also eating people food and enjoy all kinds of different tastes and textures.  You love Grammy's chicken soup and Mom-Mom's baked beans.  You aren't always so keen on my cooking, but I'm working on it. 

While we are on the subject of food, I must tell you that you have the worst table manners on the face of the earth.  Each night, the three of us eat dinner together and your Daddy and I try to hold on to our appetites while watching you shovel food into your mouth by the fistful.  We've been listening to music while we eat, but it doesn't even come close to drowning out the Mmmms! and nom-nom-nom! sounds that you make.  You let us know when you would like more by using your sign language, and you let us know when you don't like something by carefully picking up chunks of chicken or broccoli and dropping them onto the floor.

You are truly back to your old self and show no signs of having ever been sick.  The whole ordeal is still very upsetting to think about, but it makes each moment with you even more special. 

We love you so much, Quinn!

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