Thursday, July 24, 2014

Dear Quinn,
Your little personality emerges more and more with each passing day. Every morning, you wake up and immediately greet us with smiles and excitement when we walk into your room. Sometimes you flop back down into your crib and pretend to be asleep, but you always insist on having a few minutes of quiet time to read in your crib before you get changed and dressed.

On school days you get home around 6 and take long walks around the neighborhood with Daddy, sometimes all the way down to the river and back, while I make dinner. After you enthusiastically eat your meal, you play until it's time for bath, books and bed. You now stay up until about 8:30 p.m.

Your language skills have exploded in the past couple of weeks. You now speak in crude sentences that make sense (most of the time).

You are already learning to outsmart us.  After school yesterday, you were taking your sweet time getting into the house. It was hot so I asked if you would like to go inside and get some some juice - you didn't answer. I offered you raisins - again, no reply. Finally, I brought out the big guns, "How about we go get a banana?" You considered for a moment and then said, "Ok, juice, raisins, and banana!"

You have become a little mother to you baby doll, which you have creatively named, "baby." You ask for her as soon as you wake up, stroll her around on your princess scooter, share your milk and food with her, and even put her on the potty seat. The scary part is when we hear echoes of ourselves when you discipline her, because she isn't allowed to jump on the couch either. "Sit down, baby!"

Now that you have mastered the letters of the alphabet, you have begun teaching them to your baby. You put her in the yellow chair and then hold up the foam letters one by one, telling her, "This is S!" "This is H!"

As soon as I saw this happening, I ran to get the video camera, but you had already become frustrated by your baby's stupidity. You overturned the bucket of letters, picked her up by her hair and flung her across the room. Now that - you did NOT learn from us.

Here are some photos from our great summer so far:

At Uncle TJ's engagement party (in a replacement outfit)
I barfed on my pretty dress
Headhouse Square splash fountain
Baby has to go "poo poo potty!"
Discovering Thomas the Tank Engine
Choo Choo Train!!! Uncle Mike was right - this is awesome
Changing the baby's diaper
"I slide!!"
"I swing!" 
(Weccacoe Playground)
Splash Fountain after the Hot Dog Festival

Mmm... hot dog! 
Three Bears Park

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