Friday, July 25, 2014

Warning: Proud Mom Bragging

Dear Quinn,
I have just gotten off the phone with your teacher, who called to provide an update on your progress at school. I have tears in my eyes because I am so proud of you.

Your teacher said that you are the brightest child in your class, and that you have excelled far beyond the curriculum. They developed special flash cards just for you, and have had to continually update them as you learn new words. To keep you engaged, you are given important tasks relating to your classroom's routine. It is your job to select the books for story time, the colors for art projects, and which songs to sing during circle time. You are a little leader among your peers!

While your classmates are learning to count to five, you have one-on-one time with another teacher to do activities typically reserved for the 2-and-a-half-year-olds. You just turned 21 months on Wednesday!

Finally, she asked if your Daddy and I could come in to have a meeting with your teachers and the principal to discuss the best course of action for you moving forward. We all want you to keep learning, growing and excelling in school, so all signs point to you moving up to the two-year old class a couple months early. I will try not to embarrass you by crying throughout the entire meeting.

I hope that this is only the beginning of your being an exceptional student, and that your love of learning continues throughout your whole life. Thank you for being such a great kid, and for making us so proud. Go, Quinn, Go! We love you so much!

This is how a genius eats a well-deserved ice cream cone!

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