Friday, December 28, 2012

Quinn's First Christmas

Dear  Baby Girl,
We have had a crazy week and a wonderful first Christmas with you.  You must think that life is one big celebration!  You went to the Ladies Cookie Exchange on Friday, out to dinner on Saturday, Quinn Family Christmas on Sunday, Christmas Eve at Grammy's on Monday, and then to both grandparent's houses on Christmas Day.  You did great at all of these events, our little party girl!

Ready for the Cookie Exchange!
Your Mom Mom and I were having so much fun at the cookie exchange that we kept you out until 1 a.m.  I'm not sure what your daddy was up to at home, but you both needed a nice long nap on Saturday afternoon.

The next day you made your debut at Quinn Family Christmas where you got to meet all the Quinns! (Your Mom-Mom's side of the family).  After that we spent Christmas Eve with your Daddy's family before the big day.  A lot of my pictures came out blurry, but I don't think my memories will be fading anytime soon. Below are some of the ones that turned out.

Here you are telling us how much you hate your Christmas dress:

Meeting Nana - your Great Grandmother
Getting used to the dress!

In comfy clothes at last and chillin' with Uncle Mike
Your grandfather loves you!
Your Great-Uncle Jim, Mom Mom's oldest brother
Mommy and Daddy under the mistletoe at Grammy's House - Christmas Eve

Taking a nap with Grammy...
Even while your aunt and uncles were rowdy in the background
Bedtime in your new Christmas jammies!
Waiting for Santa

Santa was good to you and everyone in our little corner of the world, but the best gift of all was having you with us.  This year, snowflakes on Christmas Eve seemed like magic and traditions like decorating the tree and baking cookies were even more special and meaningful. 

We love you so much, Quinn!  Thank you for giving us a reason to celebrate and for bringing the joy of Christmas back into our lives. 

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Eight is Great

Dear Baby,
Daddy calls you "Staypuft"
This morning you went to the doctor for your two-month appointment.  After handling your shots like a champ, they weighed and measured you.  At eight weeks, you are now ten pounds, 13 ounces and 23 inches long.  You're in the 42nd percentile for weight and the 91st for height.  My big girl!

You are smiling all the time now.  Your smile is the most beautiful thing in the world and it fills my heart with joy.  It is our proudest accomplishment that you are healthy and happy. 

Every day you are making amazing progress. You still haven't succeeding at getting your thumb in your mouth, but you are very determined.  Your daddy and I watch and cheer you on as you stick your thumb out and bring your fist to your face.  You're so close!  The whole thing is a noisy process, but so much fun to watch. 

In other news, you finally noticed the mobile hanging above your changing table. Last week I took a video of you laying on your activity mat.  Now you are actually smiling and batting at the toys.  What a difference a week makes!

A very short post today because we have a lot of things to do to get ready for the holidays.  It hasn't even begun yet and we already know that it's going to be the best Christmas ever.  We can't wait to celebrate with you. 

We love you, Quinn!

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Talkin' about Practice

Baby-free margarita
Dear Q,
Today I spoke to the HR lady at work.  I am due back on January 21st and even though I still have a month left I am already sick at the thought of leaving you.

I asked her about the possibility of extending my leave for an extra couple of weeks.  Whether or not it will happen remains to be seen, but she assured me that no amount of extra time is going to make it any easier. 

Until then I'm trying to enjoy every moment we get to spend together.  I do, however, have to practice being away from you.  On Tuesday your Aunt Lauren came to visit and your father practically pushed us out the door.  We went to get a drink at one of my favorite margarita places a couple of blocks away. It was the first time in your whole little life that we were apart. I missed you terribly, but it helped to know that your daddy was taking good care of you.

Speaking of your dad, have I ever told you how awesome he is?  I just crept to the top of the stairs so I could hear him softy singing a lullaby to you.  He doesn't know the words so he makes up his own - you don't seem to mind.  Yesterday he came home from work and handed me these:

"For being a good mommy"
He's the best!  As for you, now that you're in your seventh week, you are becoming very good at expressing yourself.  You let us know you're happy with your coos and smiles.  And when you're unhappy-you let the whole neighborhood know about it.  Thankfully those occasions are rare.  You're a very pleasant baby, just very impatient when it comes to getting your meals on time.

Also, we are really starting to get around now!  After a bit of practicing we had our first successful walk in the baby sling.  You were asleep by the time we reached the end of the block, but I kept walking along South Street and ducking into whatever store I pleased.  It was wonderful to be able to take you out without the hassle of the stroller.  Last week the guard at the bank saw me struggling to get it through the door.  "You must be new at this," she said, "you gotta go backwards!"

But we are getting the hang of it, like so many other things. Practice makes perfect, baby girl!  It's amazing to watch you learn new things every day.

I can't wait to share the pictures from the special Christmas project we've been working on, but in the meantime, some photos:

My bloomers are too big!
My pretty smile!

Sling Baby!

Daddy's girl
And a video of you "playing" on your activity mat for the first time:

You'll get it soon enough.  Love you, Quinn!

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Six Weeks

Dear Quinn,

You're growing so fast!  At six weeks you are nine pounds, 3 ounces and beginning to outgrow your diapers.  Every time I dress you in a tiny sleeper or onesie I wonder if it will be the last time you will ever wear it - a sad thought that fades the second I look at your chubby cheeks or chunky thighs.  You are getting rounder by the second - it's impossibly cute.  

We are finally beginning to settle into a routine.  About an hour before bedtime I take you upstairs for quiet time.  I feed and cuddle you and then your daddy comes up to walk you to sleep.  No lights, no TV, no distractions - just our little family.  It's my favorite time of the day.  You've been sleeping much longer for the past couple of days - only getting up once in the middle of the night.  You mutter to yourself in the morning until I  peek into your co-sleeper.  Lately you've been greeting me with a smile, it's the most wonderful thing in the world.

It seems like each day you become more and more aware of your surroundings.  We've been having so much fun helping you explore the city and make new friends.

You've had a busy week!

Here you are last Saturday night, checking out the new restaurant that opened down the street:

Bainbridge Street Barrel House - you weren't impressed.

On Monday, some of your friends came over for a playdate. You played so nice with your little buddies. (and the Mommys had fun too!)

Adelaide, Benny and Quinn

One of many, many outtakes while trying to get a picture of the three of you...

 Art at the Gallery
Tuesday was a beautiful day - 70 degrees on December 4th!  I took the heavy blanket off your car seat and took you for a nice long walk to see Santa Claus at the Gallery.  On the way home you had your first Septa experience - a ride on the El.  You slept the whole time like a natural commuter.

First ride on the subway
A little wary of Santa...
Your daddy and I are so excited to celebrate the holidays with you.  Here we are picking out your first Christmas tree:

Nifty Fifty's after buying the tree!
And a preview of the Christmas cards we'll be sending out to friends and family:

More to come next week!

P.S. - Momma was a little behind on writing a Thanksgiving post, but it can be found at the link below:

Friday, November 30, 2012

Five Weeks!

Dear Q,
You are five weeks old and getting so big!  Yesterday at your weekly weigh-in we learned that you are now 8 pounds, 7 ounces.  You are getting so chubby!  Rolls are beginning to appear all over your little body.  I am thrilled that you have finally surpassed your birth weight, but at the same time alarmed that you are growing so fast. Although I am looking forward to watching you progress, part of me wants you to stay little forever.  Slow down, baby girl!

In the past week or so, you are beginning to make more eye contact than ever before and your neck muscles are strong enough to hold up your head.  Still searching for your thumb, you lick and suck on all your fingers like you just ate an entire bucket of fried chicken - it's adorable.  

Bath time is no longer torture for you.  You are also beginning to sleep for longer stretches.  Last night you slept from midnight to 4 a.m.  You make the middle of the night feedings tolerable by being extra sweet and cuddly - and by smiling out of the corner of your mouth when your tummy is full.  I can't wait until you give us a real full smile, which the books say we can expect any day now.

Update! I began writing this on Wednesday, but it is now Friday, November 30 - the day you gave me a perfect, beautiful gummy smile for the very first time.  It was pretty much the cutest thing in the entire world. 

Mischief says: "There is now a "follow by email" feature on the right hand column.  If you sign up, you will be notified every time there is new post on my blog!" 

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Scenes From An Autumn Walk

Dear Quinn,

Here we are taking advantage of a rare 60 degree November afternoon to take a stroll to the grocery store - and all the things we pass along the way. 

All bundled up- and ready to go!

Gravestones from the 1700s at Old Pine Street Church...

Cobblestone Streets...
Fabric Row...
South Street...
Horse and Carriages...
Queen Village Houses...

Mosaics by Isaiah Zagar...

Society Hill...

I can't wait until the weather starts to warm up and you are old enough to enjoy the neighborhood where you live.  There are so many things your daddy and I want to show you - and so many places we want to take you.  I love you so much, my little urban baby!