Monday, April 15, 2013

A Great Weekend

Dear Quinn,
We just finished a lovely family weekend together.  We started it early on Friday because I left work before noon.  It was pouring rain, so I put you in a taxi.  I can still remember taking your Aunt Elena on her first cab ride when I moved to the city.  (2005? 2006?  Remind me to tell you the funny story about it someday).  You have already taken three cab rides in your lifetime - my little cosmopolitan lady!

$1.25 fuel surcharge??  Outrageous!
Twilight Turtle!
It was so dreary outside that you and I decided to take an afternoon nap.  Before you fell asleep we were playing in bed and I was showing you how to make a tent. You, me and "Twilight Turtle" were all under the covers. Every time I turned him on you started laughing hysterically at all the stars and lights.

These aren't the greatest pictures, but I don't ever want to forget that sweet moment.  


It's so much fun to watch you play with your toys, Quinn!  Everyday you become more adept at holding them and figuring out how they work. You only get your binky at bed time now, but we have observed you taking it out of your mouth, inspecting it, and then putting it back in - genius!  
For the rest of the weekend, we stayed close to home and took lots of walks around the neighborhood.  On both Saturday and Sunday, you allowed your Daddy and I to enjoy lunch at local restaurants while you sat quietly playing in your chair.  Whenever we go out the servers always comment about how cute and well-behaved you are.  They're right!  You are awesome!

I love kisses!
Celebrating Aunt 'Lena's birthday 

Your Aunt Elena turned 22 on Sunday.  I remember so clearly when she looked like this:

Elena Jeanne, circa 1991

Time goes by so quickly, baby girl.  Thank you for helping us remember to make the most of every moment.

Here is the picture collage you sent to your aunt to wish her a happy birthday:
Oil pastels: probably not the best choice...

And here is the last picture from our lazy Sunday: 

Watching the Masters with Daddy

Monday is the hardest day of the week.  I wish we could hang out with you every single day.  Still, we are looking forward to more and more playtime as the days get longer.  Summer is on its way - and it's going to be the best one yet!

We love you so much, Baby Quinn!

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