Monday, April 29, 2013

A Week of Firsts

Dear Quinn,
Now that you are six months old, it seems like you have grown up overnight. You are 17 pounds, 6 ounces and 27 inches tall.  The doctor says you are "incredibly strong."  You showed her how long you can hold an abdominal crunch and made her wrestle you for her stethoscope.  You got four shots, but only cried for about five seconds.  You are overall very healthy, but the vaccinations resulted in your very first fever. 

As usual, you weathered it like a champ - and I got to spend the day at home with you just like old times.  We took lots of naps, and a nice walk to the grocery store to get some baby-food supplies.  That night, you had another first - your first taste of real food: organic peas! 

You have been so busy learning new things.  It took you exactly one week to master balancing yourself while sitting up.  Way to go, Quinn!

Sitting up has opened a whole new world to you.  You discovered how much fun it is to splash while you are getting your bath.  It's a total mess!

You also took your first walk in the stroller without the car seat.  You loved it!  You giggled the whole time.  You sure do turn our neighborhood into a friendly place - every single person we passed smiled and stopped to say hello to you. 

Let's lose the sweater, Mom - it's nice out!
Sitting up like a big girl!

I'm free!  No more car seat!
We had such a great weekend with you, Quinn.  The weather was gorgeous, we took family photos, and you got to see all your grandparents.  It is just overwhelming to see how much they love you.  You bring so much joy to everyone around you with your beautiful smile. 

Here are some photos from the last couples of weeks:

Doing my crunches- tryin' to sit up!
Why does Daddy call me "Tony Montana" when he puts my powder on?

Aunt Lauren's bridal shower! - had to change into my jammies...
Do you like my pretty dress, Mom Mom?
Oooo!  I LOVE your necklace, Aunt 'Lena!

Me and my Mommy

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