Monday, April 22, 2013

Six Months!

Dear Quinn,
Happy half-birthday, baby girl! Your Daddy and I have so many reasons to celebrate.  You are happy and thriving, and we have survived the first six months of parenthood.

Being a mother is both easier and harder than I ever thought it would be.

It is easier because the hard work we anticipated doesn't really feel like work at all.   It is such a pleasure to take care of you.  I may groan when I have to get up in the middle of the night, but then you greet me with your gummy smile and hold onto my finger while I'm feeding you.

At the same time, it is harder because everything is so bittersweet.  I rock you back to sleep at 4 a.m. knowing that any day now you may begin sleeping through the night.  It's difficult because you have made us so vulnerable.  You don't understand the capacity you have to break our hearts.  We struggle between our desire to keep you safe and our wish for you to be independent.  I suspect we will feel this way for the rest of our lives.  So many mixed emotions - and this is only the beginning!

Quinn, you are such a wonderful baby.  We have yet to experience so many of the things people warned us about. You have never once been up all night crying.  We have yet to take you on a car ride where you haven't played quietly until you fell asleep. You are so well-behaved at parties and restaurants that we never hesitate to take you anywhere. (Knocking on wood as I type this). You are the happiest, sweetest baby in the whole wide world! 

You will never know how much we love you, baby girl.  I can't wait for the next six months!

And now I'm going to turn up my speakers, grab a box of tissues and cry into your daddy's shoulder while I watch this slideshow:

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