Monday, May 6, 2013


I made this at school!
Dear Quinn,

Last Thursday when I picked you up from school, the principal was waiting for me at the door.  She wanted to let me know that you weren't in your usual room that day.  Instead you were across the hall, spending some time in the "infant transition" room.  She explained that you will spend a few hours there every day until you are moved up permanently some time in the next couple of weeks.

I remember seeing this room when I was pregnant and your Daddy and I toured the daycare.  Unlike the calm environment of the infant room, this place was much more rough and tumble.  The "babies" were so big, and most were on the move. They eyed us curiously and crawled around our feet.  They climbed over one another and pulled themselves up on the furniture.  The prospect of you being one of them seemed so far away at the time, but now you are almost ready to join them.

I walked into the "big girl room" and introduced myself to the teachers. (By the way, I love saying, "I'm Quinn's Mom!")  You were busy playing, but gave me a big smile when you saw me.  I asked how you did and all the teachers said that you were wonderful.  "Most kids cry," they said.  But not you - you enjoyed watching the bigger kids and playing with all the new toys. 

We are so proud of you and how well you are doing at school.  Every day we hear about the excellent progress you're making there through the notes sent home by your teacher.  "Quinn holds up her bottle on her own."  "Quinn is doing a great job sitting up!"  "Please send in a sippy cup so that Quinn can practice."

On Friday your teacher asked if we wanted them to start feeding you "puffs" so that you could develop your fine motor skills.  I was incredulous when I told your Daddy about it.  "They suggested puffs!!  Can you believe that?" 

He could believe it.  He thinks you're ready.  You are lucky he is around to advocate for you, because sometimes my natural instinct is to resist all this change, and try to make you be my baby forever. 

That's when it occurred to me.  The reason your principal was waiting for me at the door.  The reason she spoke so gently while assuring me that they would ease you into your new routine slowly and gradually.  I couldn't help but think that this transition phase is probably much more necessary for me than it is for you.  

Here are some pictures of my big big girl: 

"Quinn's bin"
Apparently you won't let any of the other kids play with these toys at daycare.

Exhausted after a long day in the big girl room

I can finally get my feet in my mouth!
Playing with Rao in my sleep...
I'll try the carrots and cereal, but only if I can check it out first...
First Annual South Street Festival

Admiring a sculpture across from Three Bears Park

First time in a big girl swing! 
Whoa! I better hold on!
Long day of fun...needed a bath!

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